Clone repo:
git clone
npm install
Setup DB:
createdb cities_dev
Utilize reading/article to:
- Configure knexfile.js so that you can connect to your database.
- Add a knex command to "scripts" within package.json
Create a migration file for a table named "cities."
npm run knex migrate:make cities
You should see something like this:
Translate the following entity relationship diagram into a Knex migration file.
│ cities │
│id │serial │primary key │
│name │varchar(255) │not null default '' │
│state │varchar(255) │not null default '' │
│population │integer │ │
│created_at │timestamp with time zone │not null default now() │
│updated_at │timestamp with time zone │not null default now() │
When you have built a migration file, use the following command to migrate the database:
npm run knex migrate:latest
If successful, you should see something like this:
Also run this command to view information about the created table:
psql cities_dev -c '\d cities'
This command should result in something like this:
Use the following data to create a seed for the table named "cities."
Create the seed file:
npm run knex seed:make 1_cities
You should see something like this:
Next, utilize the following data to build out your seed file:
const cities = [
name: 'Seattle',
state: 'Washington',
population: 704352
name: 'Tacoma',
state: 'Washington',
population: 211277
name: 'Bellingham',
state: 'Washington',
population: 87574
When you're read to seed your database, run the following command:
npm run knex seed:run
You should see something like this:
Also, run the following command to see the contents of your database:
psql cities_dev -c 'SELECT * FROM cities';