This role automates deployment of OpenShift 4 IPI (installer-provided infrastructure) on top of oVirt.
As of April 2020, oVirt is in developer preview as an OpenShift provider.
The IPI installation using openshift-install
is admittedly quite easy
in itself and requires only minimal manual intervention.
Therefore this role is mainly intended for those who need to perform it repeatedly,
possibly on many oVirt engines (quality engineering, performance testing etc.)
- oVirt >= 4.3.9
This role is intended to be executed against your oVirt engine.
You need to execute it as the root user, for example by specifying ansible_user: root
on host level
or remote_user: root
on play level.
As long as you use oVirt engine as the target hosts, all of the below requirements should be in place:
- Python SDK version >= 4.3
- Ansible >= 2.9
You also need to authenticate with oVirt engine before executing this role. Use ansible module ovirt_auth to do that.
📖 Read the official documentation before trying to determine values of the following vairables.
Name | Default value | Description |
ocp_base_domain | UNDEF | DNS domain of your OCP cluster. |
ocp_cluster_name | UNDEF | The name of your OCP cluster. This name will be included in the resulting domain of apps running on OCP like this: console-openshift-console.apps.<ocp_cluster_name>.<ocp_base_domain> . |
api_vip | UNDEF | Virtual IP of OpenShift API. You should have api.<ocp_cluster_name>.<ocp_base_domain>. entry for this IP in your DNS setup. |
dns_vip | UNDEF | Virtual IP of internal DNS for OpenShift cluster. |
ingress_vip | UNDEF | Virtual IP of OpenShift Ingress. You should have *.apps.<ocp_cluster_name>.<ocp_base_domain>. entry for this IP in your DNS setup. |
ovirt_cluster_name | UNDEF | The name of oVirt cluster that will host your OpenShift cluster |
ovirt_storage_domain_name | UNDEF | The name of storage domain that will host your OpenShift cluster. Pay special attention to storage requirements of etcd . Read more here |
ovirt_network_name | ovirtmgmt | The oVirt network of deployed OpenShift nodes (VMs). |
ovirt_vnic_profile_name | ovirtmgmt | The oVirt vNIC profile you want to use with your network. |
engine_url | UNDEF | URL of your engine's API in format https://<engine_fqdn>/ovirt-engine/api . |
engine_user | UNDEF | The oVirt user that will be used to provision oVirt infrastructure for OpenShift cluster. |
engine_password | UNDEF | Password of the abovementioned oVirt user. |
custom_rhcos_template | UNDEF | If you provide a template name to this variable, specified template will be used for OpenShift installation instead of the default one. If you specify this, you also need to specify rhcos_node_memory_mb and rhcos_node_cpu . |
rhcos_node_memory_mb | UNDEF | The amount of memory in MB that OpenShift nodes should have when using custom template. |
rhcos_node_cpu | UNDEF | The count of logical CPUs that OpenShift nodes should have when using custom template. |
master_count | 3 | Number of master machines (control plane) in OpenShift cluster. Keep in mind that having less than three masters is not supported. |
worker_count | 3 | Number of worker nodes in OpenShift cluster. |
ocp_machine_network_cidr | | CIDR notation of network where your OCP nodes will live. |
pull_secret_file | UNDEF | The file containing your pull secret that can be obtained at |
ssh_keys | UNDEF | List of strings. Each of the strings is a public SSH key that will be propagated to OpenShift RHCOS nodes, allowing the user to log in. |
ocp_installer_source | nightly | Where to acquire openshift-install tool. Options: "nightly" to automatically get the latest nightly build from download server, "url" to download from arbitrary location. |
ocp_installer_url | UNDEF | URL to get openshift-install from. To be used when ocp_installer_source is "url". |
oc_source | nightly | Where to acquire oc tool. At this point, only nightly is supported. |
ocp_installer_version | 4.5 | What version of OpenShift you want to install. Works only when ocp_installer_source is "nightly". |
ocp_installer_log_level | debug | Verbosity of OpenShift installer. This is passed to --log-level parameter of openshift-install . |
Since this PR OpenShift installer lets you customize your OpenShift on RHV nodes (i.e. RHV VMs). More info on how can you do that while manually using the installer is available here. To use that feature in this role, following variables are available:
- custom_master_cpu_sockets
- custom_master_cpu_cores
- custom_master_memory_mb
- custom_master_instance_type_id
- custom_master_disk_size_gb
- custom_master_vm_type
- custom_worker_cpu_sockets
- custom_worker_cpu_cores
- custom_worker_memory_mb
- custom_worker_instance_type_id
- custom_worker_disk_size_gb
- custom_worker_vm_type
The role also performs some quality-of-life related tasks. Overwrite the following variables to determine if they should be executed or not.
Name | Default value | Description |
perform_dns_check | true | # If set to true, role will fail early if you haven't set up DNS entries for API and Ingress |
include_engine_ssh_key | true | If set to true, public SSH key of engine machine will be included in RHCOS nodes. It will be also generated, if it doesn't exist. |
The role has few variables that control its flow. They have been implemented during testing and you probably won't feel any need to touch those.
Name | Default value | Description |
stop_before_installation | false | If set to true, the installation won't be run, but everything will be prepared. |
download_openshift_install | true | This is required unless stop_before_installation is set to true. |
download_oc_tool | false | If set to true, downloads the oc tool and puts it into installation folder. |
You might notice that some of the required variables are missing here. That's because I specify them on per-host basis in my inventory file. Specifically, I set following variables on per-host basis:
- ocp_cluster_name
- api_vip
- dns_vip
- ingress_vip
- ovirt_cluster_name
- ovirt_storage_domain_name
- engine_url
- engine_user
- engine_password
Well, here's the playbook:
- name: Deploy OCP cluster on oVirt
hosts: primary_cluster
remote_user: root
# You also need to have a similar task in your playbook in order to obtain ovirt_auth token
- name: Authenticate with oVirt engine
url: "{{ engine_url }}"
username: "{{ engine_user }}"
password: "{{ engine_password }}"
insecure: true
- include_role:
name: ovirt.ocp4-ipi
pull_secret_file: /home/jan/ansible_dev/pull-secret.txt
ocp_installer_version: 4.5
- "key1"
- "key2"
After a successful installation, if you want to use openshift-install
command to manipulate your cluster
(e.g. to destroy it), you either need
- to export
variable and point it toovirt-config.yaml
in your installation directory or - move the
file from your installation directory to/root/.ovirt/
If you want to control your newly deployed OpenShift clsuter, the oc
tool has been downloaded to your installation
In order to use it, just export KUBECONFIG
variable and point it to kubeconfig
file in resources
For example:
export KUBECONFIG=/root/ocp4-ipi-secondary-20200422T163250/resources/auth/kubeconfig
Then you can use oc
tool to communicate with your OpenShift cluster:
oc get clusteroperators