This Arduino library is a port of the pilight 433.92MHz protocols to the Arduino platform. It was tested with a ESP8266. The aim is to transmit, receive and parse many 433.92MHz protocols, by providing a simple Arduino friendly API. This should help to implement IoT bridges between the 434MHz-RF band and internet protocols.
By porting the C modules of the pilight protocols, allows to participate on the excellent work of the pilight community. Thus, supporting many protocols for rc switches and weather stations without reimplementing them.
A list of supported protocols can be found in the pilight wiki:
This library can be easily installed with the Arduino Library Manager.
Please have a look to the examples.
This library was tested and developed for the ESP8266. It may not run on a ATmega-based boards, because of memory usage.
For transmitting and receiving you need 434MHz-RF modules. More information can be found here:
If you find any bug, feel free to open an issue at github. Also, pull
requests are welcome. The development takes place in the master
branch. The release
is used to integrate the pilight files and for
version tagging, like necessary for the Arduino Library Manager
To prevent formating issues, please make sure that your code is proper
formatted. We use the clang-format
tool with the Google
You can just format the code by calling
$ clang-format -style=Google -i <source-file>
If you are interested to install this library from source, you need to integrate the pilight source files. Since Arduino build all cpp/c files in the src directory and sub directories, only necessary files from pilight will be integrated. This will be done with GNU make.
On Linux you can run:
$ git clone
$ cd ESPiLight
$ make
$ ln -s `pwd` ~/Arduino/libraries/
To update EPiLight from git run:
$ git pull
$ make update
Big thanks goes to the pilight community, which implemented all the 434MHz protocols. If you want to integrate more protocols, please contribute directly to pilight.
@janLo contributed some major cleanups and new functionalities to the library.
There are other, more lightweight 434Mhz implementations: