Hazelbean is a collection of geospatial processing tools based on gdal, numpy, scipy, cython, pygeoprocessing, taskgraph, natcap.invest, geopandas and many others to assist in common spatial analysis tasks in sustainability science, ecosystem service assessment, global integrated modelling assessment, natural capital accounting, and/or calculable general equilibrium modelling.
Hazelbean started as a personal research package of scripts for Justin Johnson and is was not originally intended for broad release. However, hazelbean is transitioning towards having full-support, primarily because it underlies several important software releases, including some from the Natural Capital Project. Thus, even in this transitory state, it is available via "pip install hazelbean". Note that hazelbean only provides a Python 3+, 64 bit, Windows version, however with the exception of precompiled cython files, it should be cross-platform and cross-version. The precompiled files are only loaded as needed.
See the Hazelbean documentation in the docs folder of this repository.
- Install Mambaforge from https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge#mambaforge
- For convenience, during installation, I select yes for "Add Mambaforge to my PATH environment Variable"
- (PC) Open the Miniforge Prompt (search for it in the start menu) or (Mac) just type "mamba init"
- Create a new mamba environment with the following commands (here it is named hazelbean_env):
mamba create -n hazelbean_env -c conda-forge
- Activate the environment
mamba activate hazelbean_env
- Install libraries using conda command:
mamba install -c conda-forge natcap.invest geopandas rasterstats netCDF4 cartopy xlrd markdown qtpy qtawesome plotly descartes pygeoprocessing taskgraph cython rioxarray dask google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-storage aenum anytree statsmodels openpyxl seaborn twine pyqt ipykernel imageio pandoc conda
- And then finally, install non-conda distributions via pip:
pip install mglearn pandoc datascience hazelbean
If numpy throws "wrong size or changes size binary": upgrade numpy at the end of the installation process. See for details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66060487/valueerror-numpy-ndarray-size-changed-may-indicate-binary-incompatibility-exp
Your python environment has to have permissions to access and write to the base data folder.
See the author's personal webpage, https://justinandrewjohnson.com/ for more details about the underlying research.
One key component of Hazelbean is that it manages directories, base_data, etc. using a concept called ProjectFlow. ProjectFlow defines a tree of tasks that can easily be run in parallel where needed and keeping track of task-dependencies. ProjectFlow borrows heavily in concept (though not in code) from the task_graph library produced by Rich Sharp but adds a predefined file structure suited to research and exploration tasks.
Project Flow is intended to flow easily into the situation where you have coded a script that grows and grows until you think "oops, I should really make this modular." Thus, it has several modalities useful to researchers ranging from simple drop-in solution to complex scripting framework.
In run.py, initialize the project flow object. This is the only place where user supplied (possibly absolute but can be relative) path is stated. The p ProjectFlow object is the one global variable used throughout all parts of hazelbean.
import hazelbean as hb
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = hb.ProjectFlow(r'C:\Files\Research\cge\gtap_invest\projects\feedback_policies_and_tipping_points')
In a multi-file setup, in the run.py you will need to import different scripts, such as main.py i.e.:
import visualizations.main
The script file mainpy can have whatever code, but in particular can include "task" functions. A task function, shown below, takes only p as an agrument and returns p (potentially modified). It also must have a conditional (if p.run_this:) to specify what always runs (and is assumed to run trivially fast, i.e., to specify file paths) just by nature of having it in the task tree and what is run only conditionally (based on the task.run attribute, or optionally based on satisfying a completed function.)
def example_task_function(p):
"""Fast function that creates several tiny geotiffs of gaussian-like kernels for later use in ffn_convolve."""
if p.run_this:
for i in computationally_intensive_loop:
Important Non-Obvious Note
Importing the script will define function(s) to add "tasks", which take the ProjectFlow object as an argument and returns it after potential modification.
def add_all_tasks_to_task_tree(p):
p.generated_kernels_task = p.add_task(example_task_function)
Github Actions will now generate a new set of binaries for each release, upload them to PyPI and then trigger a condaforge build. All you need to do is make and tag the release.
To upload built packages to PyPI, you will need an API key from your PyPI
account, and you will need a local install of the twine
utility. To install
, you can use either pip
or mamba
. For example:
pip install twine
Once you have built the package for your target platform(s), you can upload the
file to PyPI with twine via the twine
command. For example, if you have all
of your target distributions in the dist/
directory, you can upload them all
twine upload --username=__token__ --password="$PYPI_API_TOKEN" dist/*