is a library which provides facilities for benchmarking Bonsai components.
creates a benchmark. It takes a component to benchmark, a way
to extract that component's inject_action
function, and a list of interactions to
perform during the benchmark. For example:
let state =
~component:(Bonsai.state [%here] (module Int) ~default_model:0)
~get_inject:(fun (_, inject) -> inject)
Bonsai_bench.Interaction.(many_with_stabilizations [ inject 1; reset_model ])
There are more examples in the example/
To run the benchmark, pass it to Bonsai_bench.bench
, a thin wrapper around
that handles necessary cleanup between tests:
let () =
let quota = Core_bench_js.Quota.Span (Time.Span.of_sec 1.0) in
Bonsai_bench.bench ~run_config:(Core_bench_js.Run_config.create () ~quota) [ state ]
Build the javascript-executables
target for the directory with BUILD_PROFILE=fast-exe
Then, from a terminal, run: node path/to/executable/name.bc.js
to see the results.
: Contains the API for running and creating tests. The list of possible interactions that can be performed during benchmarks can also be found there.