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🆕 Changes from v2.0.0

MongoDB Driver v4

Now we are using mongodb ^4.x.x version of the driver (upgraded from v3)


Whenever the Model type is mentioned in this document, it refers to an instance of @janiscommerce/model.

This is used to configure which collection should be used, which unique indexes it has, among other stuff.


new MongoDB(config)

Constructs the MongoDB driver instance, connected with the `config` object.


  • connectionString String (optional): Full connectionString to connect, default: localhost. Since 3.9.0
  • host String (optional): MongoDB host, default: localhost
  • protocol String (optional): host protocol, default: mongodb://
  • port Number (optional): host port, default none
  • user String (optional): host username, default none
  • password String (optional): host user password, default none
  • database String (required): MongoDB database
  • limit Number (optional): Default limit for get/getTotals operations, default: 500


const MongoDB = require('@janiscommerce/mongodb');

const Model = require('./myModel');

const mongo = new MongoDB({
   protocol: 'mongodb://',
   host: 'localhost',
   port: 27017
   user: 'some-user',
   password: 'super-secure-password',
   database: 'great-database'

const model = new Model();

// await mongo.[methodName](model);

async insert(model, item)

Inserts one document in a collection
  • model: Model: A model instance

  • item: Object: The item to save in the collection

  • Resolves String: The ID of the inserted item or rejects on failure.


await mongo.insert(model, {
   id: 1,
   name: 'test'
// > '000000054361564751d8516f'

async multiInsert(model, items, options)

Inserts multiple documents in a collection

This methods uses the insertMany() command.

Since 3.0.0. Inserts using MongoDB ordered: false to ensure inserting valid items no matter the order of the items received.

  • model: Model: A model instance

  • item: Array<Object>: The items to save in the collection

  • options: Object:

    • failOnDuplicateErrors: Boolean: Since 3.0.0. When true multiInsert() will reject on 'duplicate key' errors. Default: false.
  • Resolves Array<Object>: Items inserted, adding the id of every item inserted item

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


const itemsInserted = await mongo.multiInsert(model, [
   { id: 1, name: 'Red' },
   { id: 2, name: 'Blue' },
   { id: 3, name: 'Green' }
 * itemsInserted: [
 * 	{ id: 1, name: 'Red' },
 * 	{ id: 2, name: 'Blue' },
 * 	{ id: 3, name: 'Green' }
 * ]

Example when duplicate keys:

const itemsInserted = await mongo.multiInsert(model, [
   { refId: 1, name: 'Red' },
   { refId: 2, name: 'Blue' },
   { refId: 2, name: 'Blue' }, // repeated, assuming refId is associated to an unique index
   { refId: 3, name: 'Green' }
 * itemsInserted: [
 * 	{ id: '640887ca7371be16d9bda607', refId: 1, name: 'Red' },
 * 	{ id: '640887ceb9f381f8ae167f67', refId: 2, name: 'Blue' },
 * 	{ id: '640887d5927c84d0cd6d6d72', refId: 3, name: 'Green' }
 * ]

⚠️ When no items were inserted will return an empty array []

async update(model, values, filter, options)

Updates one or more documents in a collection
  • model: Model: A model instance

  • values: Object or Array<Object>: The values to set in the documents

  • filter: Object: Filter criteria to match documents

  • options: Object: Optional parameters (such as arrayFilters) of the query See more

    • updateOne: Boolean. When receive as true, updateOne() operation will be used, otherwise updateMany() is used.
    • skipAutomaticSetModifiedData: Boolean. When receive as true, the field dateModified is not updated automatically.
  • Resolves Number: The number of modified documents

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


// Updating an item
await mongo.update(
   { name: 'foobar', color: 'red' }, // the values to update
   { id: 1 } // the filter
// > 1

// Updating the enire collection...
await mongo.update(
   { status: 'active' }, // the values to update
// > Number

// Updating certain elements of an array
/* Sample document to match
	_id: ObjectID('5df0151dbc1d570011949d86'),
	items: [{ name: 'foo', price: 90 },{ name: 'bar', price: 45 }]
await mongo.update(
   { $set: { "items.$[elem].price" : 100 } }, // the values to update
   { arrayFilters: [ { "elem.price": { $gte: 85 } } ] }
// > Number
/* Output
	_id: ObjectID('5df0151dbc1d570011949d86'),
	items: [{ name: 'foo', price: 100 },{ name: 'bar', price: 45 }]

async distinct(model, [parameters])

Searches distinct values of a property in a collection
  • model: Model: A model instance

  • parameters: Object (optional): The query parameters. Default: {}. It only accepts key (the field name to get distinct values from, and filters -- described below in get() method)

  • Resolves Array<Object>: An array of documents

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


await mongo.distinct(model, { key: 'color', filters: { status: 'active' } });
// > ['Red', 'Blue']

async get(model, [parameters])

Searches documents in a collection
  • model: Model: A model instance

  • parameters: Object (optional): The query parameters. Default: {}

  • Resolves Array<Object>: An array of documents

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs

Available parameters: (all of them are optional)

  • order Object: Sets the sorting criteria of the matched documents, for example: { myField: 'asc', myOtherField: 'desc' }
  • limit Number: Sets the page size when fetching documents. Defaults to the limit of the constructor.
  • page Number: Sets the current page to retrieve.
  • filters Object|Array<Object>: Sets the criteria to match documents. An object means AND operation between multiple filters. An array mean an OR operation. See examples below.
  • fields Array<String>: Since 2.7.0. Specific fields to be returned in the query for every document. This feature uses MongoDB projections. See more:
  • excludeFields Array<String>: Since 2.7.0. Specific fields to exclude in the query for every document. Available when fields was not received. This feature also uses MongoDB projections.

Parameters example:

   limit: 1000, // Default 500 from config
   page: 2,
   order: {
      itemField: 'asc'
   filters: {
      itemField: 'foobar',
      otherItemField: {
         'value': ['foo', 'bar'],
         'type' : 'in'
	fields: ['itemField', 'otherItemField']


The filters have a simpler structure than raw mongo filters, in order to simplify it's usage.

Filter types

The filter types can be defined in the model static getter fields like this:

class MyModel extends Model {
	static get fields() {
		return {
			myField: {
				type: 'greaterOrEqual'

It can also be overriden in each query like this:

mongodb.get(myModel, {
	filters: {
		myField: {
			type: 'lesserOrEqual',
			value: 10

The mapper option for a field can take three forms:

mongodb.get(myModel, {
	filters: {
		myField: {
			type: 'lesserOrEqual',
			mapper: 'toDate'

Declare a function: The value will pass through this function as a custom mapper. string: It will attempt to access existing mappers within the package. false: This disables any default mapper the field may have.

For specific fields like dateCreated, dateCreatedFrom, dateCreatedTo, dateModified, dateModifiedFrom, and dateModifiedTo, it's important to note that they pass through the default mapper toDate by default.

In all cases, if the mapper does not conform to these specifications, an error will be raised.

The following table shows all the supported filter types, and it's equivalence:

Type Mongo equivalence
equal $eq
notEqual $ne
greater $gt
greaterOrEqual $gte
lesser $lt
lesserOrEqual $lte
in $in
notIn $nin
search $regex
all $all
exists $exists
text $text
elemMatch $elemMatch
nearSphere $nearSphere
geoIntersects $geoIntersects

If the type isn't defined in the model nor in the query, it defaults to equal for single valued filters or in for multivalued filter.

You can also pass an unsupported mongodb type (it must start with the $ character, for example: $mod).

Internal field names

The name of a filter and the field that it will match can differ. To achieve that, you must declare it in the model static getter fields:

class MyModel extends Model {
	static get fields() {
		return {
			externalFieldName: {
				field: 'internalFieldName'

Mongo ObjectIds

The fields of type ObjectId can be defined in the model this way:

class MyModel extends Model {
	static get fields() {
		return {
			someIdField: {
				isID: true

The package will handle the string to ObjectId conversion automatically for you. The id field is also automatically mapped to _id and converted to an ObjectId

It also maps _id field to id when retrieving documents.


Putting it all together, here's a complete example with all possible configurations:

class MyModel extends Model {
	static get fields() {
		return {
			otherIdField: {
				isID: true
			greaterField: {
				type: 'greaterOrEqual'
			overridenField: {
				type: 'search'
			externalFieldName: {
				field: 'internalFieldName'

mongodb.get(myModel, {
	filters: {
		id: '5df0151dbc1d570011949d86',
		otherIdField: ['5df0151dbc1d570011949d87', '5df0151dbc1d570011949d88'],
		greaterField: 15,
		overridenField: {
			type: 'exists',
			value: true
		externalFieldName: true,
		someOtherField: ['foo', 'bar']

// This is converted to the following mongo filter:
	id: {
		$eq: ObjectId('5df0151dbc1d570011949d86') // Automatically converted to ObjectId, default $eq type
	otherIdField: {
		$in: [ObjectId('5df0151dbc1d570011949d87'), ObjectId('5df0151dbc1d570011949d88')] // Converted to ObjectId by model, default $in type
	greaterField: {
		$gte: 15 // $gte type defined by model
	overridenField: {
		$exists: true // $exists type overriden by query
	internalFieldName: {
		$eq: true // Field name defined by model, default $eq type
	someOtherField: {
		$in: ['foo', 'bar'] // Default $in type

Nested filters

If you want to filter by fields inside objects, you can use nested filters. For example:


/* Sample document to match
	_id: ObjectID('5df0151dbc1d570011949d86'),
	someField: {
		foo: 'bar'
mongodb.get(myModel, {
	filters: {
		'': 'bar'


await mongo.get(model, {})
// > [ ... ] // Every document in the collection, up to 500 documents.

// finding documents with a specific filter
await mongo.get(model, { filters: { id: 1 } })
// > [{ id: 1, name: 'foobar' }]

// finding the page 2 of elements with value "foo" with a page size of 10 elements.
await mongo.get(model, { limit: 10, page: 2 filters: { name: 'foo' } })
// > [ ... ] // The second page of 10 documents matching name equals to 'foo'.

// finding all entries ordered descendently by id
await mongo.get(model, { order: { id: 'desc' } });
// > [ ... ] // Every document in the collection, ordered by descending id, up to 500 documents.

async getPaged(model, parameters, callback)

Searches all documents from a collection that matches with filters

This method uses cursors with Asynchronous Iteration.

Find and accumulates documents in batch using parameters.limit or default value (500), for each batch calls the callback received. Returns the total documents quantity, the batchSize used and the number pages found.


  • model: Model: A model instance
  • parameters: Object: The query parameters. Use {} when no special parameter needed. This parameters are the same defined in get() method
  • callback: function: A function to be executed for each page. Receives three arguments: the items found for the page, the current page number and the batch size used.


  • response: Object
    • total: Integer: The documents total quantity.
    • batchSize: Integer: The batch size used in find() query operations.
    • pages: Integer: The totals pages found.


const { total, batchSize, pages } = await myModel.getPaged(model, { filters: { status: 'active' } }, (items, page, limit) => {
	// do some stuff with the "page" items

async getTotals(model, filter)

Gets information about the quantity of documents matched by filters if present or the last call to the `get()` method.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query. IMPORTANT: This must be the same instance.

  • filter Object|Array<Object>: Sets the criteria to match documents. An object means AND operation between multiple filters. An array mean an OR operation. See examples above.

  • Resolves Object: An object containing the totalizers

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs

Return example:

   total: 140,
   pageSize: 60,
   pages: 3,
   page: 1

If the last query response was empty, it will just return the total and pages properties with a value of zero.

Since 3.2.0:

  • Added filter to params. If no filter param is present it will use last query filters. If no query was executed before, it will return the totals of the whole collection without filters.

Since 2.5.8:

  • If no query was executed before, it will return the totals of the whole collection without filters.


// getTotals
result = await mongo.getTotals(model);
// > { page: 1, limit: 500, pages: 1, total: 4 }

// with filter
result = await mongo.getTotals(model, { name: 'foo' });
// > { page: 1, limit: 500, pages: 1, total: 1 }

async save(model, item, setOnInsert)

Inserts or updates a document in a collection.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • item: Object: The item to upsert in the collection

  • setOnInsert: Object: Default values to insert on Items.

  • Resolves Object: An object containing the totalizers

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs

This operation uses unique indexes in order to update existing documents. If id is provided in the item, it will be used. Otherwise, it will try to match a unique index defined in the model. If no unique index can be matched by the item, it will reject an error.


// save insert
await, {
   unique: 1,
   name: 'test'
// > '000000054361564751d8516f'

// save update
await, {
   id: '00000058faf66849077316ba',
   unique: 1,
   name: 'test'
// > '00000058faf66849077316ba'

// save update
await, {
   unique: 2,
   name: 'test-2'
}, { status: 'active' });
// > '00000058faf66849077316bb'
/* In DB:
   _id: '00000058faf66849077316bb',
   unique: 2,
   name: 'test-2',
   dateCreated: ISODate("2020-01-14T14:01:29.170Z"),
   status: 'active'

// save update
await, {
   unique: 2,
   name: 'test-2',
   status: 'inactive'
}, { status: 'active' });
// > '00000058faf66849077316bb'
/* In DB:
   _id: '00000058faf66849077316bb',
   unique: 2,
   name: 'test-2',
   dateCreated: ISODate("2020-01-14T14:01:29.170Z"),
   status: 'inactive'

async multiSave(model, items, setOnInsert)

Inserts or updates a document in a collection.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • items: Array<Object>: The items to upsert in the collection

  • setOnInsert: Object: Default values to insert on Items.

  • Resolves Boolean: true if items can be upserted

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


await mongo.multiSave(model, [
   { id: 1, name: 'test 1' },
   { id: 2, name: 'test 2' },
   { id: 3, name: 'test 3' }
// > true

async multiUpdate(model, operations)

Updates multiple documents in a collection.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • operations: Array<Object>: Array of objects, each defining a filter and the data to update in the documents that match the filter. Each object represents an individual updateMany operation on the database.

  • operations.filter: Object: Filters used to select the documents to be updated.

  • Object: Key-value pairs representing the fields to update and their new values in the documents that match the corresponding filter.

  • Resolves Boolean: true if items can be upserted

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


await mongo.multiUpdate(model, [
   { filter: { id: [1,2,3] }, data: { name: 'test 1' } },
   { filter: { otherId: 4 }, data: { name: 'test 2' } }
// > true

async remove(model, item)

Inserts or updates a document in a collection.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • item: Object: The items to be removed

  • Resolves Boolean: true if one document was removed. false otherwise.

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs

This operation uses unique indexes in order to remove an existing document. If id is provided in the item, it will be used. Otherwise, it will try to match a unique index defined in the model. If no unique index can be matched by the item, it will reject an error.


await mongo.remove(model, { id: '0000000055f2255a1a8e0c54' });
// > true|false

async multiRemove(model, filter)

Removes one or more documents in a collection.
  • model: Model: A model instance

  • filter: Object: Filter criteria to match documents

  • Resolves Number: Number that represents the amount of removed documents.

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


await mongo.multiRemove(model, { name: { type: 'search', value: 'test' } });
// > 5

async increment(model, filters, incrementData, setData)

Increment or decrement values in a registry.
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • filters: Object: Unique Filter criteria to match documents

  • incrementData: Object: The fields with the values to increment or decrement to updated in the collection (values must be number type).

  • setData: Object: extra data to be updated in the registry

  • Resolves Object: An object containing the updated registry

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs


await mongo.increment(model, { status: 'pending' }, { pendingDaysQuantity: 1 }, { updatedDate: new Date() });
/* Output:
   _id: ObjectID('5df0151dbc1d570011949d86'),
   status: 'pending',
   pendingDaysQuantity: 4

async getIndexes(model)

Get the indexes from the collection.
  • model Model: A model instance

  • Resolves Array<object>: An array with the collection indexes

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs

This method also format the received indexes from MongoDB by getting only the fields name, key and unique.


await mongo.getIndexes(model);
// > [{name: 'some-index', key: { field: 1 }, unique: false}]

async createIndex(model, index)

Creates an index into the collection.
  • model Model: A model instance

  • index Object: An object with the following properties:

    • name String (Required): The index name
    • key Object (Required): The index key with the fields to index
    • unique Boolean (Optional): Indicates if the index must be unique or not
  • Resolves Boolean: true if the index was successfully created

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.createIndex(model, {
   name: 'some-index',
   key: { field: 1 },
   unique: true
// > true

async createIndexes(model, indexes)

Creates multiple indexes into the collection.
  • model Model: A model instance

  • indexes Array<object>: An array with the indexes to create (index object structure defined in createIndex method)

  • Resolves Boolean: true if the indexes was successfully created

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.createIndexes(model, [
      name: 'some-index',
      key: { field: 1 },
      unique: true
      name: 'other-index',
      key: { otherField: 1 }
// > true

async dropIndex(model, indexName)

Drops an index from the collection.
  • model Model: A model instance

  • indexName: String: The name of the index to drop

  • Resolves Boolean: true if the index was successfully dropped

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.dropIndex(model, 'some-index');
// > true

async dropIndexes(model, indexNames)

Drops multiple indexes from the collection.
  • model Model: A model instance

  • indexNames: Array<string>: The names of the indexs to drop

  • Resolves Boolean: true if the index was successfully dropped

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.dropIndexes(model, ['some-index', 'other-index'])
// > true

async dropDatabase()

Drops the database for the current config.
  • Resolves Boolean: true if the database was successfully dropped, false otherwise.
  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.dropDatabase();
// > true|false

async dropCollection(collection)

Drops a collection from the database for the current config.
  • collection: String: The collection name.

  • Resolves Boolean: true if the collection was successfully dropped, false otherwise.

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.dropCollection('my-collection');
// > true|false

async deleteAllDocuments(collection, filter)

Deletes all documents from a collection of the database for the current config.
  • collection: String: The collection name.

  • filter: Object: Filter criteria to match documents

  • Resolves Integer: With the count of deleted documents.

  • Rejects Error: When something bad occurs


await mongo.deleteAllDocuments('my-collection');
// > 49

async aggregate(model, stages)

Execute Aggregation operations to obtain computed results
  • model: Model: A model instance used for the query.

  • stages: [Object]: An array with the aggregation stages. See Pipelines Stages - MongoDB documentation for more information.

  • Resolves [Object]: The results of executing the stages. The array may contain one document or multiple documents.

  • Rejects Error When something bad occurs

To learn more about aggregation, see MongoDB documentation


await mongo.aggregate(model, [
	{ $match: { id: '0000000055f2255a1a8e0c54' } }, // find the document with that id
	{ $unset: 'category' }, // Removes the category field
/* > [
		id: '0000000055f2255a1a8e0c54',
		name: 'Product 1',
		description: 'Product 1 description'

get idStruct()

Returns valid id struct function.
  • Returns Function: struct function to validate ids.
  • Rejects Error: When received id is not of type objectId.




static get hasCustomId()

Using a custom id instead of ObjectId.

This configuration allows you to have a custom id and not to convert it to ObjectId before making write queries.

⚠️ This getter must be present in the Model


The errors are informed with a MongoDBError. This object has a code that can be useful for a debugging or error handling. The codes are the following:

Code Description
1 Model with empty unique indexes
2 No unique indexes could be matched
3 Invalid or empty model
4 Internal mongodb error
5 Invalid connection config
6 Invalid item format received
7 Invalid distinct key received
8 Filter type not recognized
9 Invalid Increment Data
10 Invalid index structure


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