It is a library to connect a a google storage and fetch a specific file via Akka Stream. All GCS Storage configuration read from ActorSystem except file name.
Add the following to build.sbt
resolvers += "gcs-storage-stream on GitHub" at ""
For versions actual version :
"com.emarsys" %% "gcs-storage-stream" % "1.0.9"
Add application.conf file contains all enviroment properties:
googleStorage {
chunk-size = 64
chunk-size = ${?GCS_CHUNK_SIZE}
project = {
name = "projekt name where the bucket is"
bucket = "bucket where the file is"
secret = {
type = "service_account",
project_id = "",
private_key_id = "",
private_key= ${?GCS_READ_KEY},
client_email= "",
client_id= "1",
auth_uri= "https=//",
token_uri= "",
auth_provider_x509_cert_url= "",
client_x509_cert_url= ""
We suggest GCS Storage read key is read from environment variable.
See example implementation is GoogleStorageReaderExample.scala
object GoogleStorageReaderExample extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("gc-example")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
lazy val csvLines =
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 25))
.groupedWithin(1000, 1 seconds)
.map(","))"Start streaming file...")
//bucket, projectId comes from .conf
//or projectId does not come from .conf
GoogleStorage.storageSource("ids_only.csv", "projectId", "bucket", 64).via(csvLines).runForeach(println)
The GoogleStorageItSpec contains integration tests. it/resources/applicantion.conf file should fill with a proper endpoint of GCS storage. You can run the tests with the following commands:
sbt it:test
Bump the version number in build.sbt
and run the following command:
sbt publish
This will build a jar with the new version and place it under the releases