Julia package containing hydrological models including data assimilation methods (particle filter, ensemble Kalman filter...)
For installing the package, run the following code:
The example below runs one model combination and plots the results:
using Vann
using PyPlot
filepath = joinpath(Pkg.dir("Vann"), "data/atnasjo")
date, tair, prec, q_obs, frac = load_data(filepath, "Q_ref.txt")
# Compute potential evapotranspiration
epot = epot_zero(date)
# Parameters
param_snow = [0.0, 3.69, 1.02]
param_hydro = [74.59, 0.81, 214.98, 1.24]
# Select model
step = 1.0
st_snow = TinBasic(step, param_snow, frac)
st_hydro = Gr4j(step, param_hydro)
q_sim = run_model(st_snow, st_hydro, date, tair, prec, epot)
plot(date, q_sim)
The example folder contains code for calibrating model combinations and also a simple particle and ensemble Kalman filter implementations:
cd(joinpath(Pkg.dir("Vann"), "examples"))