To install TMDB Addons just enter the community's addons catalog, search for TMDB Addon, click on configure, configure the addon as you like and click on install, you will be redirected to Stremio and just click on install. You can find more about addon configuration in the following section.
You can also do this through the source link: TMDB Addon Page
On the homepage, you choose the language you want your metadata in. Supported languages are all the languages that supports. On each homepage visit, you will be greeted with the backdrop of one of the most popular titles by the time you visit the website.
On the catalogs page you choose which catalogs you want displayed on Stremio homescreen and Discover page. The titles are divided into Movies and Shows.
This is a new feature which offers you to connect to one of the provided services and benefit from each of them. Each intergation has it's description in order for you to find out what it does. We will work on integrating more services with the addon in the future.
The page which provides you with additional options to fine-tune your experience.
To finish the configuration and use it in your setup you just have to click on the install button and approve the installation in Stremio.
Many Anime aren't available in Stremio's generic catalog because of a lack of metadata on IMDb's end. With the TMDB add-on, you can access a large number of titles that aren't available on IMDb, not just Anime.
You are free to correct all the wrong information you can find, just correct the information on the website and the addon will update automatically.
The addon integrates with many services to supercharge your experience.
Some addons rely on IMDb for thier metadata and that won't be problem with the TMDB Addon, simply enable the option Provide IMDb metadata and relax.
Metadata is not provided by us, but by TMDB and therefore is subject to change. That is the same reason for why we can't guarantee data validity. We are not responsible for any inconveniences caused by invalid or inappropriate metadata.