The xDnsServer module contains DSC resources for the management and configuration of Windows Server DNS Server.
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This is the branch containing the latest release - no contributions should be made directly to this branch.
This is the development branch to which contributions should be proposed by contributors as pull requests. This development branch will periodically be merged to the master branch, and be released to PowerShell Gallery.
Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.
- xDnsServerForwarder sets a DNS forwarder on a given DNS server.
- xDnsServerADZone sets an AD integrated zone on a given DNS server.
- xDnsServerPrimaryZone sets a standalone Primary zone on a given DNS server.
- xDnsServerSecondaryZone sets a Secondary zone on a given DNS server.
- Secondary zones allow client machine in primary DNS zones to do DNS resolution of machines in the secondary DNS zone.
- xDnsServerZoneTransfer This resource allows a DNS Server zone data to be replicated to another DNS server.
- xDnsRecord This resource allows for the creation of IPv4 host (A) records, CNames, or PTRs against a specific zone on the DNS server.
- xDnsServerSetting This resource manages the DNS sever settings/properties.
- IsSingleInstance: Specifies the resource is a single instance, the value must be 'Yes'
- IPAddresses: IP addresses of the forwarders
- Name: Name of the AD DNS zone
- Ensure: Whether the AD zone should be present or removed
- DynamicUpdate: AD zone dynamic DNS update option.
- If not specified, defaults to 'Secure'.
- Valid values include: { None | NonsecureAndSecure | Secure }
- ReplicationScope: AD zone replication scope option.
- Valid values include: { Custom | Domain | Forest | Legacy }
- DirectoryPartitionName: Name of the directory partition on which to store the zone.
- Use this parameter when the ReplicationScope parameter has a value of Custom.
- ComputerName: Specifies a DNS server.
- If you do not specify this parameter, the command runs on the local system.
- Credential: Specifies the credential to use to create the AD zone on a remote computer.
- This parameter can only be used when you also are passing a value for the
- This parameter can only be used when you also are passing a value for the
- Name: Name of the primary DNS zone
- ZoneFile: Name of the primary DNS zone file.
- If not specified, defaults to 'ZoneName.dns'.
- Ensure: Whether the primary zone should be present or removed
- DynamicUpdate: Primary zone dynamic DNS update option.
- If not specified, defaults to 'None'.
- Valid values include: { None | NonsecureAndSecure }
- Name: Name of the secondary zone
- MasterServers: IP address or DNS name of the secondary DNS servers
- Ensure: Whether the secondary zone should be present or removed
- Type: Type of the DNS server zone
- Name: Name of the DNS forward or reverse loookup zone.
- Enabled: Option to enable scavenge stale resource records on the zone.
- RefreshInterval: Refresh interval for record scavencing in hours. Default value is 7 days.
- NoRefreshInterval: No-refresh interval for record scavencing in hours. Default value is 7 days.
- Name: Name of the DNS zone
- Type: Type of transfer allowed.
- Values include: { None | Any | Named | Specific }
- SecondaryServer: IP address or DNS name of DNS servers where zone information can be transfered.
- Name: Name of the host
- Zone: The name of the zone to create the host record in
- Target: Target Hostname or IP Address {Only Supports IPv4 in the current release}
- Ensure: Whether the host record should be present or removed
- Name: Specifies the name of the DNS server resource record object
- Zone: The name of the zone to create the host record in
- Target: Target Hostname or IP Address {Only Supports IPv4 in the current release}
- DnsServer: Name of the DnsServer to create the record on.
- If not specified, defaults to 'localhost'.
- Type: DNS Record Type.
- Values include: { ARecord | CName | Ptr }
- Ensure: Whether the host record should be present or removed
- Name: Key for the resource. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it's unique within the configuration.
- AddressAnswerLimit: Maximum number of host records returned in response to an address request. Values between 5 and 28 are valid.
- AllowUpdate: Specifies whether the DNS Server accepts dynamic update requests.
- AutoCacheUpdate: Indicates whether the DNS Server attempts to update its cache entries using data from root servers.
- AutoConfigFileZones: Indicates which standard primary zones that are authoritative for the name of the DNS Server must be updated when the name server changes.
- BindSecondaries: Determines the AXFR message format when sending to non-Microsoft DNS Server secondaries.
- BootMethod: Initialization method for the DNS Server.
- DefaultAgingState: Default ScavengingInterval value set for all Active Directory-integrated zones created on this DNS Server.
- DefaultNoRefreshInterval: No-refresh interval, in hours, set for all Active Directory-integrated zones created on this DNS Server.
- DefaultRefreshInterval: Refresh interval, in hours, set for all Active Directory-integrated zones created on this DNS Server.
- DisableAutoReverseZones: Indicates whether the DNS Server automatically creates standard reverse look up zones.
- DisjointNets: Indicates whether the default port binding for a socket used to send queries to remote DNS Servers can be overridden.
- DsPollingInterval: Interval, in seconds, to poll the DS-integrated zones.
- DsTombstoneInterval: Lifetime of tombstoned records in Directory Service integrated zones, expressed in seconds.
- EDnsCacheTimeout: Lifetime, in seconds, of the cached information describing the EDNS version supported by other DNS Servers.
- EnableDirectoryPartitions: Specifies whether support for application directory partitions is enabled on the DNS Server.
- EnableDnsSec: Specifies whether the DNS Server includes DNSSEC-specific RRs, KEY, SIG, and NXT in a response.
- EnableEDnsProbes :Specifies the behavior of the DNS Server. When TRUE, the DNS Server always responds with OPT resource records according to RFC 2671, unless the remote server has indicated it does not support EDNS in a prior exchange. If FALSE, the DNS Server responds to queries with OPTs only if OPTs are sent in the original query.
- EventLogLevel: Indicates which events the DNS Server records in the Event Viewer system log.
- ForwardDelegations: Specifies whether queries to delegated sub-zones are forwarded.
- Forwarders: Enumerates the list of IP addresses of Forwarders to which the DNS Server forwards queries.
- ForwardingTimeout: Time, in seconds, a DNS Server forwarding a query will wait for resolution from the forwarder before attempting to resolve the query itself.
- IsSlave: TRUE if the DNS server does not use recursion when name-resolution through forwarders fails.
- ListenAddresses: Enumerates the list of IP addresses on which the DNS Server can receive queries.
- LocalNetPriority: Indicates whether the DNS Server gives priority to the local net address when returning A records.
- LogFileMaxSize: Size of the DNS Server debug log, in bytes.
- LogFilePath: File name and path for the DNS Server debug log.
- LogIPFilterList: List of IP addresses used to filter DNS events written to the debug log.
- LogLevel: Indicates which policies are activated in the Event Viewer system log.
- LooseWildcarding: Indicates whether the DNS Server performs loose wildcarding.
- MaxCacheTTL: Maximum time, in seconds, the record of a recursive name query may remain in the DNS Server cache.
- MaxNegativeCacheTTL: Maximum time, in seconds, a name error result from a recursive query may remain in the DNS Server cache.
- NameCheckFlag: Indicates the set of eligible characters to be used in DNS names.
- NoRecursion: Indicates whether the DNS Server performs recursive look ups. TRUE indicates recursive look ups are not performed.
- RecursionRetry: Elapsed seconds before retrying a recursive look up.
- RecursionTimeout: Elapsed seconds before the DNS Server gives up recursive query.
- RoundRobin: Indicates whether the DNS Server round robins multiple A records.
- RpcProtocol: RPC protocol or protocols over which administrative RPC runs.
- ScavengingInterval: Interval, in hours, between two consecutive scavenging operations performed by the DNS Server.
- SecureResponses: Indicates whether the DNS Server exclusively saves records of names in the same subtree as the server that provided them.
- SendPort: Port on which the DNS Server sends UDP queries to other servers.
- StrictFileParsing: Indicates whether the DNS Server parses zone files strictly.
- UpdateOptions: Restricts the type of records that can be dynamically updated on the server, used in addition to the AllowUpdate settings on Server and Zone objects.
- WriteAuthorityNS: Specifies whether the DNS Server writes NS and SOA records to the authority section on successful response.
- XfrConnectTimeout: Time, in seconds, the DNS Server waits for a successful TCP connection to a remote server when attempting a zone transfer.
- DsAvailable: Indicates whether there is an available DS on the DNS Server. This is a read-only property.
- Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
- Added default template files .codecov.yml, .gitattributes, and .gitignore, and .vscode folder.
- Changes to xDnsServer
- Added resource xDnsServerZoneAging. Claudio Spizzi (@claudiospizzi)
- Changes to xDnsServerPrimaryZone
- Fix bug in Get-TargetResource that caused the Zone Name to be null (issue #63). Brandon Padgett (@gerane)
- Changes to xDnsRecord
- Added Ptr record support (partly resolves issue #34). Reggie Gibson (@regedit32)
- Changes to xDnsServerADZone
- Fixed bug introduced by PR #49. Previously, CimSessions were always used regardless of connecting to a remote machine or the local machine. Now CimSessions are only utilized when a computername, or computername and credential are used (issue #53). Michael Fyffe (@TraGicCode)
- Fixed all PSSA rule warnings. Michael Fyffe (@TraGicCode)
- Fix DsAvailable key missing (#66). Claudio Spizzi (@claudiospizzi)
- Added resource xDnsServerSetting
- MSFT_xDnsRecord: Added DnsServer property
- Converted AppVeyor.yml to pull Pester from PSGallery instead of Chocolatey
- Fixed bug in xDnsServerADZone causing Get-TargetResource to fail with an extra property.
- Unit tests updated to use standard unit test templates.
- MSFT_xDnsServerZoneTransfer: Added unit tests. Updated to meet Style Guidelines.
- MSFT_xDnsARecord: Removed hard coding of Localhost computer name to eliminate PSSA rule violation.
- Added Resource xDnsServerForwarder.
- Updated with documentation and examples for xDnsServerForwarder resource.
- Added Resource xDnsServerADZone that sets an AD integrated DNS zone.
- Updated with documentation and examples for xDnsServerADZone resource.
- Fixed bug in xDnsRecord causing Test-TargetResource to fail with multiple (round-robin) entries.
- Updated with example DNS round-robin configuration.
- Added Resource xDnsRecord with support for CNames.
- This will replace xDnsARecord in a future release.
- Added xDnsServerPrimaryZone resource
- Added support for removing DNS A records
- Fix to retrieving settings for record data
- Removed UTF8 BOM from MOF schema
- Add xDnsARecord resource.
- Initial release with the following resources
- xDnsServerSecondaryZone
- xDnsServerZoneTransfer
configuration Sample_Set_Forwarders
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerForwarder SetForwarders
IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
IPAddresses = '',''
configuration Sample_Remove_All_Forwarders
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerForwarder RemoveAllForwarders
IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
IPAddresses = @()
configuration Sample_xDnsServerForwardADZone
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerADZone addForwardADZone
Name = ''
DynamicUpdate = 'Secure'
ReplicationScope = 'Forest'
ComputerName = ''
Credential = $Credential
Ensure = 'Present'
Sample_xDnsServerForwardADZone -Credential (Get-Credential)
configuration Sample_xDnsServerReverseADZone
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerADZone addReverseADZone
Name = ''
DynamicUpdate = 'Secure'
ReplicationScope = 'Forest'
Ensure = 'Present'
configuration Sample_xDnsServerZoneTransfer_TransferToAnyServer
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerZoneTransfer TransferToAnyServer
Name = $DnsZoneName
Type = $TransferType
Sample_xDnsServerZoneTransfer_TransferToAnyServer -DnsZoneName '' -TransferType 'Any'
configuration Sample_xDnsServerPrimaryZone
[Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[String]$ZoneFile = "$ZoneName.dns",
[Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None','NonsecureAndSecure')]
[String]$DynamicUpdate = 'None'
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerPrimaryZone addPrimaryZone
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = $ZoneName
ZoneFile = $ZoneFile
DynamicUpdate = $DynamicUpdate
Sample_xDnsServerPrimaryZone -ZoneName '' -DyanmicUpdate 'NonsecureAndSecure'
configuration Sample_xDnsServerSecondaryZone
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsServerSecondaryZone sec
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = $ZoneName
MasterServers = $SecondaryDnsServer
Sample_xDnsServerSecondaryZone -ZoneName '' -SecondaryDnsServer ''
configuration Sample_Arecord
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsRecord TestRecord
Name = "testArecord"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "ARecord"
Ensure = "Present"
configuration Sample_RoundRobin_Arecord
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsRecord TestRecord1
Name = "testArecord"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "ARecord"
Ensure = "Present"
xDnsRecord TestRecord2
Name = "testArecord"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "ARecord"
Ensure = "Present"
configuration Sample_CName
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsRecord TestRecord
Name = "testCName"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "CName"
Ensure = "Present"
configuration Sample_Ptr
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsRecord TestPtrRecord
Name = "123"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "PTR"
Ensure = "Present"
configuration Sample_Remove_Record
Import-DscResource -module xDnsServer
xDnsARecord RemoveTestRecord
Name = "testArecord"
Target = ""
Zone = ""
Type = "ARecord"
Ensure = "Absent"
configuration Sample_DnsSettings
Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDnsServer
node localhost
xDnsServerSetting DnsServerProperties
Name = 'DnsServerSetting'
ListenAddresses = ''
IsSlave = $true
Forwarders = '',''
RoundRobin = $true
LocalNetPriority = $true
SecureResponses = $true
NoRecursion = $false
BindSecondaries = $false
StrictFileParsing = $false
ScavengingInterval = 168
LogLevel = 50393905
configuration Sample_DnsZoneAging
Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDnsServer
node localhost
xDnsServerZoneAging DnsServerZoneAging
Name = ''
Enabled = $true
RefreshInterval = 120 # 5 days
NoRefreshInterval = 240 # 10 days
configuration Sample_DnsReverseZoneAging
Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDnsServer
node localhost
xDnsServerZoneAging DnsServerReverseZoneAging
Name = ''
Enabled = $true
RefreshInterval = 168 # 7 days
NoRefreshInterval = 168 # 7 days