is a small, pure-Python library for persisting Python
objects to MongoDB.
facilitates using jsonpickle to produce MongoDB-friendly
representations of pickleable Python objects for easy storage in a MongoDB
One may simply encode and decode Python objects to MongoDB BSON-friendly representations:
class MyObject(object): def __init__(self, val): self.val = val import jaraco.modb import pymongo mongo_collection = pymongo.MongoClient().mydb.mycollection val = MyObject(3) # save the object to the DB id = mongo_collection.save(jaraco.modb.encode(val)) # retrieve the object from the DB new_val = jaraco.modb.decode(mongo_collection.find_one(id)) assert isinstance(new_val, MyObject) assert new_val.val == 3
A more detailed tutorial is now published as a Jupyter Notebook.
also provides an SON Manipulator suitable for automatically
encoding arbitrary objects for a pymongo.Database:
jaraco.modb.SONManipulator.install(mongo_collection.database) mongo_collection.save({'val': val})
Unfortunately, due to a limitation with the API of the SONManipulator, it's not possible to save a custom object as the document itself (the document must always be a dict).