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Web front-end awesome library collection. (好用的前端开发库收集。)

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A curated list of awesome things related to Web Front-end.




  • Vue.js A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
  • AngularJS HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • react A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • HyperApp 1 kB JavaScript micro-framework for building declarative web applications
  • preact Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.

Components && Librarys

UI Utilities

  • lozad.js It is written with an aim to lazy load images, iframes, ads, videos or any other element
  • draggable The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about


  • anime.js It is a lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects.
  • animate.css It is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects
  • popmotion Simple libraries for delightful interfaces.
  • anijs A Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding.
  • dynamics Dynamics.js is a JavaScript library to create physics-based animations
  • csshake Some CSS classes to move your DOM!
  • bounce.js Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.


  • iscroll Smooth scrolling for the web
  • better-scroll inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance


  • swiper Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
  • iSlider Smooth mobile touch slider for Mobile WebApp, HTML5 App, Hybrid App
  • fullPage fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple


  • sweetalert2 A beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
  • bootbox Bootstrap powered alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes
  • react-modal Accessible modal dialog component for React


  • noty Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
  • push.js The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework
  • pnotify Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.


  • lodash A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • underscore Underscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides support for the usual functional suspects without extending any core JavaScript objects.
  • ramda A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
  • 30-seconds-of-code Curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
  • immutable-js Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • RxJS The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
  • mathjs An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
  • moment Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
  • date-fns Modern JavaScript date utility library
  • Sugar A Javascript library for working with native objects.
  • lazy.jSLazy.js is a functional utility library for JavaScript, similar to Underscore and Lodash, but with a lazy engine under the hood that strives to do as little work as possible while being as flexible as possible.
  • collect.js Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects
  • chancejs Random generator helper for JavaScript
  • voca The ultimate JavaScript string library


  • Webpack webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
  • parcel Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
  • rollup Next-generation ES module bundler


Web front-end awesome library collection. (好用的前端开发库收集。)






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