Currently a work in progress but supporting the ESP32 Audio Kit/ES8388 as a Home Assistant Satellite.
Confiugration can be found here.
Additional details can be found in the ES8388 Component README.
I utilise these displays to show mostly show environmental information; you can find more info on the background, structure and configuration of my sensor data for these displays at docs/
I recently picked up an Sunton ESP32-2432S028; integrated ILI1934, Touchscreen and ESP32 all-in-one board as an easy way to deploy a second WX screen to the smart house.
See ESP32-2432S028 for more information on this device.
This device also contains an LDR for display brightness adjustment, for this you can define an adjustment value, the voltage range and utilise auto_dim.h.
The full ESPhome configuration, as used by my coffee table unit can be found at esp32-2432s028.yaml.
This device is now fully supported by this code.
Another new addition to my devkit collection is the ESP32-2424S012, using a different TFT and touchscreen controller than the above board.
See ESP32-2424S012 for more information on this device.
Support of this device is a work in progress.
- Touch screen is not currently working.
- Display is working, using a component that is included in this repository (forked and maintained for latest esphome).
See Display DIY for more information on building your own.