This is a Ximera course aimed at the general population to develop their data literacy. This course will cover things such as:
- cause and effect
- correlations
- Anscombe's quartet
- Simpson's paradox
- correlations in compositional data
- unintended consequences
- homebuyer's tax credit inflated prices by more than the credit?
- Braess' paradox
- rabbit explosion in Australia
- how likely is it?
- null hypothesis
- pareto distribution from exchange of 1 dollar at random in fully connected network (economy)
- urban segregation by income (Hoyt model, Burgess model) from agent-based model Urban segregation as a complex system, Feitosa Ecology and Development Series No. 70, 2010
- model believing
- Occam's Razor
- null hypothesis
- correlations
- common logical fallacies
- spurious correlations (
- estimation
- orders of magnitude
- viability
- is this claim actually possible
- what would the consequences of this claim be
- absolute vs relative measurements
- percent increase from a small number to a slightly larger small number
- percent increase from large number to a slightly larger large number
- averages and variance: small samples vs large samples
- math dept 2 players, ec dept 20 players, music 5 players in NCAA tourneys small depts: tend to do max, min (since effect of each player is larger) large depts: tend to do about average (since effect of each player is smaller)
- viability
- growth
- constant
- linear
- quadratic and higher order polynomial
- exponential
- orders of magnitude
- biases
- selection bias vs treatment
- confirmation bias
- self-fulfilling prophecies
- motivation, goal- vs process-orientation
- systems thinking
- positive and negative feedback
- cognition and epistemology
- Metcalfe's law and other network effects
- technological lock-in (+)
Arthur, W. B. Competing technologies, increasing returns,
and lock-in by historical events.
Economic Journal 99, 116–31 (1989)
- Betamax, laser discs
- start-up failure
- Word, Excel vs WordPerfect, Lotus
- biological embedment (+)
- Evolvability, Kirschner & Gerhart PNAS July 21, 1998 vol. 95 no. 15 8420-8427
- riches to the rich, poverty to the poor (+) Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function, Mani Science 30 August 2013: Vol. 341 no. 6149 pp. 976-980 DOI: 10.1126/science.1238041
- synchronized firefly flashes (-)
- thermostats (-)
- equilibrium of supply and demand (-)
- macroeconomic automatic stabilizers
- adaptation
- Weber's law (-)
- control points, leverage, policy
- positive and negative feedback
- social dilemmas
- social trap
- tradegy of the commons
- prisonner's dilemma
- iterated
- traveler's dilemma
- hawk-dove/chicken
- volunteer problem
- privacy
- anonymous is not unidentifiable
- MIT student project to guess sexual orientation
- Using visited links to guess gender
- browser fingerprint (Panopticlick@EFF)
- anonymous is not unidentifiable
The dynamics of correlated novelties F. Tria, V. Loreto, V. D. P. Servedio & S. H. Strogatz Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 5890 doi:10.1038/srep05890