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Linux prerequisites

jarrettchisholm edited this page Nov 9, 2013 · 7 revisions

Once you have all of the prerequisites compiled and installed, you will need to do some extra work for the Chromium Embedded Framework 3 library.

We need the CEF3 include files to be available to your Linux system globally. To do this, navigate to your CEF3 directory, and run:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/cef3
sudo cp -r include/* /usr/local/include/cef3
sudo cp -r include /usr/local/include/cef3

Now you will need to install Python 2.7 and SCons. You can probably do this through your package manager.

If not, head over to to get Python 2.7, and install it, and then over to to get SCons, and install it.

You will need Git in order to get the source code. The easiest way for Linux users is probably through your package manager.

Once installed, you can clone the GLR repo to your computer. Open up a terminal and navigate to the directory you want to clone the GLR source code to, then run git clone

Next, you need to initialize and update the submodules.

First, enter the glr directory you cloned the repository to (by default, the directory will be glr). Once done, run:

git submodule init
git submodule update
git submodule foreach git pull origin master

You are now ready to build.