Use lex & bison to implement a simple calculator.
: lexical analyzer, "scanner" or "lexer"bison
: parser generator
- Install flex and bison
sudo apt-get install flex bison
- Make it in the current directory
- (optional) Install it in
sudo make install
- Uninstall it
sudo make uninstall
- basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, MINUS, ABS.
- Custom variables.
- Common mathematical functions: sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos.
- Function for console printing: print.
- Branch statement: if-then-else, while-do.
- User-defined functions.
- Storage for last result.
- Make user-defined functions more robust (such as add return).
- Add error recovery.
- Memory to user-defined functions.
- Not limited in float number caculation (Casio fraction).
> 1.4 + 2*(2+3);
= 11.4
> sin(3.141592653/2);
= 1
> ac=log(1024);
= 6.931
> if (ac>0) then {ac=-1;} else {ac=1; ac=2*ac;}
= -1
> b=sqrt(100);
= 10
> while (b>0) do {b=b-1; print(b);}
= 9
= 8
= 7
= 6
= 5
= 4
= 3
= 2
= 1
= 0
= 0
> def myfunc(a,b,c) {(a+b+c)/3;}
Function Defined myfunc
> myfunc(1,2,3);
= 2
> myfunc(1,2);
error: too few args in call to myfunc
= 0
> |-1|;
= 1
> do=-1;
error: syntax error
: flex filecalculator.y
: bison filefuncs.c
: AST kernelMakefile
: make | make clean | make install | make uninstall