The project is a part of Udacity's Full-Stack Nanodegree program and challenges the developer to create an interactive application that displays a list of locations, and various bits of data about that location, on a map using multiple third-party API services including Google Maps and Foursquare. This project utilizes Knockout JS which helps to organize the project using the MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel) structure. Additionally, this project makes asynchronus calls to avoid reloading all of the application's data during the user experience.
- Visit in your favorite web browser.
- To run this project locally, clone or download this repository
- Open "index.html".
This program allows users to click on each marker to view location details. Users can also search for specific locations using the input field or select the location that they hope to learn more about from the list located in the navigation bar.
- Google Maps Javascript API:
- Foursquare API:
- W3 School - event onerror: