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Releases: jasonwyatt/Android-DebugPort


26 Sep 21:23
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Bumps the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 26 for Oreo. Also introduces a notification channel for the debugport notification.

Note: this version also now has a minSdkVersion of 14.


14 May 15:26
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Android DebugPort is now a drop-in tool. All you need to do is define your dependencies in your build.gradle as defined in the README, and you're good to go!

Also, the project now contains the no-op variant, and no longer requires using the old separate-project.


15 May 21:44
Choose a tag to compare
  • Jitpack will now create JavaDocs and a Sources Jar
  • Changed to licensing Beanshell with Apache 2.0
  • Grouped help() output in the Debug REPL.
  • Added a help; command to the SQLite REPL.


11 May 10:08
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This release fixes a bug which could occur if there was a collision with the @string/app_name resource used in the Manifest's android:label attribute on the Application.


10 May 22:13
Choose a tag to compare

Major new feature: SQLite REPL

You can now connect to a telnet server running on your device and run ad-hoc SQLite queries on your app's databases.

Incremental Improvements

  • New command source(String assetFileName) will load and run a Beanshell script contained within your app's assets directory.


06 May 21:13
Choose a tag to compare
  • New commands:
    • get(Object obj, String fieldName) - gets the value of any field on the given object, regardless of access
    • set(Object obj, String fieldName, Object value) - sets the value of any field on the given object, regardless of access
    • call(Object obj, String method, Object... params) - calls a method on the given object, regardless of access
  • Updated help() output
  • Improved support for showing VarArgs parameters in methods and methodsLocal


06 May 16:28
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  • Upgraded to beanshell 2.0b6
    • The interpreter session will now print the results of commands you enter, like a real REPL.
  • Fixed a bug where the notification drawable could collide with one in a client app.


05 May 18:37
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed a bug where the notification ID could easily collide with a notification ID defined in the client app.


01 May 20:04
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  • A notification will now be shown whenever the DebugPortService is active.
  • A crash which would occur when the DebugPortService would be restarted is now resolved.
  • Two new commands are now available from the telnet client: fields and fieldsLocal. They will display a class or object's member fields.
  • The output for the following commands has been vastly improved to include member modifiers and to display types in a more readable manner:
    • methods
    • methodsLocal
    • fields
    • fieldsLocal


27 Apr 10:06
Choose a tag to compare

Added two new key pieces of functionality:

  • DebugPortService.stop(Context);

    This really should've been in the original release.
  • params.setStartupCommands(String[])

    A new method on the Params class (optional argument for DebugPortService.start) which lets you provide a list of commands which should be run on each client's interpreter before that client is handed control. This can be useful to automate a lot of tedious imports or can allow you to set up some variables.

This version also makes the test application a bit easier to use. It introduces a toggle button for enabling/disabling the DebugPort service, as well as a TextView which shows the IP and port on which the service is running.