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Publishing a Release

Mateusz Pietryga edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 38 revisions


Releasing a new version is a rather involved process and there are several important aspects to keep in mind:

  1. Native libraries need to be prebuilt for each of 12 supported architectures and committed to the repository.
  2. Versions in src/java/jssc/ and in pom.xml should be in sync. Note that version in pom.xml should have a -SNAPSHOT suffix appended to it most of the time.
  3. Release artifact should be built using JDK11 to ensure maximum compatibility between JREs.
  4. Maven central deployment is handled by maven-relase-plugin + nexus-staging-maven-plugin.
  5. Manual release from Maven staging repository must be performed by a project member with access to group on
  6. Github Releases deployment follows Maven central release. Note, the artifact deployed to Github is a fat-jar, so it is not the same artifact that is sent to Maven Central. It must be built from the same git revion though.
  7. During the release process, the pom.xml version is bumped automatically, but it needs to be matched in several places that reference it afterwards.

Automatic pipelines

The steps described above are automated using Github actions, but still some manual supervision is required:

  • Create a release branch, e.g. 2.9.5-release
  • Rebuild precompiled libaries: trigger this pipeline on the release branch. This step may be skipped if rebuilding libraries is not needed or performed outside of the release.
    • Make sure all artifacts have been pushed to the newly created branch (suffixed with -precompiled-natives)
      • Native libraries for PC (Linux / Windows)
      • Native libraries for Mac
      • jssc.SerialNativeInterface's version is up to date with version in pom.xml (without -SNAPSHOT qualifier)
    • If artifacts are generated correctly - merge the *-precompiled-natives branch into release branch. The pipeline may be rerun multiple times. The *-precompiled-natives branch will be dropped and recreated each time.
  • Trigger Release New Version github action
  • Login to OSSRH and verify the artifacts are in good shape. This is the time for last minute integration tests:
    • Are compiled classes at bytecode version 50 (Java 6)?
    • Is there module-info.class in the package?
    • Are there no undesired entries in jar manifest file?
    • Is the artifact compatible with maven projects build with jdk7,8,11...17? Note, staging repository is publicly available, and may be included in test project in <repositories> section of pom.xml.
    • Is the artifact usable on JRE6...17?
    • Is the artifact usable on all supported OSes?
    • Is the version in up to date?
    • Is the version in the wiki up to date?
  • Check the Github Releases page
    • Verify the release has been created on the correct tagged commit
    • Verify the sources and javadoc jars are included
    • Verify jar with dependencies is included
    • Update release notes in the description
  • In case of errors with any of the steps so far - you may discard the branch, drop the repository in OSSRH and start over
  • If all is good:
    • Release the artifact from OSSRH staging repository
    • Merge release branch back to master. Do not use rebase as to preserve tagged revision.

Building native libraries manually

Ubuntu (for Linux and Windows)

  • Use oldest possible Ubuntu version (e.g. 14.04) and follow Compiling or Cross-Compilation guide respectively.
  • Commit the new .so or .dll file inside /src/main/resources-precompiled/natives/linux_64/, etc.


(Built using Solaris 10)

# Optionally enable SSH from root
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Change PermitRootLogin yes
svcadm restart ssh

# Enable vi support through ssh
export TERM

# Add OpenCSW repos
pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i git
# /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i cmake # broken on Solaris 10
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i wget
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i libstlport1

gunzip *.pkg.gz
pkgadd -d cmake-*

# Add git, cmake, gcc to path
export PATH

# clone repo
git clone
# remember to checkout the proper branch

cd jssc

# build the 32-bit binary
mkdir build && cd build
rm -f CMakeCache.txt && cmake .. && cmake --build .
cp -Rf natives/ ../src/main/resources-precompiled/

# build the 64-bit binary
rm -f CMakeCache.txt && cmake .. -DFORCE_M64=True && cmake --build .
cp -Rf natives/ ../src/main/resources-precompiled/
  • Commit changes and push to branch



These steps are for publishing a 10.8-compatible binary using the 10.9 SDK. They should work on MacOS 10.9 or higher.

  • Install XCode and Command Line Tools
  • Install Homebrew
    brew install cmake git maven
  • Install the 10.9 SDKs from XCode 6.2
    • Double-click the DMG, Right-click XCode, Show Package Contents
    • Show Package Contents
    • Copy Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs to /Applications/
  • Compile manually using cmake
    cd jssc # if not already
    mkdir build && cd build
    rm -f CMakeCache.txt # clear previous build cache
  • Commit the new .dylib file inside /src/main/resources-precompiled/natives/osx_64/


These steps are for publishing a 11.0-compatible binary using the 11.0 SDK. They should work on MacOS 11.0 or higher running Apple Silicon

  • Install XCode and Command Line Tools
  • Install Homebrew
    brew install cmake git maven
  • Install the 11.0 SDKs from XCode 12.2
    • Double-click the DMG, Right-click XCode, Show Package Contents
    • Show Package Contents
    • Copy Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs to /Applications/
  • Compile manually using cmake
    cd jssc # if not already
    mkdir build && cd build
    rm -f CMakeCache.txt # clear previous build cache
  • Commit the new .dylib file inside /src/main/resources-precompiled/natives/osx_arm64/