Developed by listingslab for the Aligent Consulting as a recruitment challenge, March 2017. This is a React Application (/src) which compiles into a standalone HTML folder called build. This is a complete Webpack build development environment which enables fast in-editor pre-testing of the React app against lint rules for both JavaScript and SCSS and enables multi-device testing while we develop and compile the app.
BreweryDB has a simple API that returns JSON (documentation here ). We would like you to use HTML, CSS and Javascript to read the API and display it in an organized way. In addition, you should add in some sort of sorting mechanic to the front-end. Feel free to use any frameworks you would like to achieve the task.
In order to get round the problem of cross domain loading of JSON from a server without Access-Control-Allow-Origin setup (as in the case of BreweryDB), we implemented a proxy solution called Simple PHP Proxy ( It's a single PHP file residing here:
Because our JavaScript is running on the same domain, the proxy makes it possible to load JSON from the API without contravening the Cross Origin rules.
cd to your working directory (ours is ~/node) and do the following. Clone the directory, which uses a GitFlow methodology. Checkout both master and develop branches but DO NOT develop into them. Create a feature. Develop that. Once it's done, merge into develop.
git clone npm install npm start
Basta. That's it. You'll be running a local dev environment using webpack devserver. Your App is viewable on http://localhost:8080.
Styling for the various react components and templates has been split out into the same folders as the React code they relate to, but there are a few other files to look out for.
/src/styles/style.scss /src/styles/vars.scss /public/assets/styles/
This file can be used to apply styles application wide. It's a useful place for responsiveness related styling.
Install IDE linting. It's proper helpful
apm install linter-eslint
apm install linter-stylelint
npm start
Runs webpack-dev-server with hot reload
npm run build
Creates production ready application into /build folder
npm run elint
Run & Summarise the linting process
npm run slint
Run the style lint process