This library is a collection of JMeter test plans, test modules, data files, helper scripts and more. It is used to run JMeter tests against PeopleSoft environments. The tests can be used for stress/performance testing, environment setup validation and more.
- User data files
- This directory contains environment specific files. These are used to pass test plan parameters like URL, site name, etc.
- Helper script library
- Scripts used to run JMeter from the command line.
- Central location of JMeter test fragments. (Example: User Login, User Logout)
- Test fragments found here can be referenced in Test Plans using a Module Controller.
- JMeter test plans
- These are the main test plans that are opened by JMeter
- Temporary file location, not saved in git repository.
- Things like log output,etc are stored in this directory temporarily.
The JMeter binaries can be downloaded and unzipped locally on any machine with Java.
JMeter can run in GUI or CLI mode. To run in GUI mode, it is best to run $JMETER_HOME\jmeter\bin\jmeter.bat
. To run in CLI mode, run $JMETER_HOME\jmeter\bin\jmeter -n
with additional parameters as needed.
If you want to set specific JVM settings, etc, create a $JMETER_HOME\jmeter\bin\setEnv.bat
Example setEnv.bat
setting HEAP size:
# Set HEAP to 2gb
set HEAP=-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m
To run JMeter in CLI mode, you need to pass multiple parameters. To pass in a User Property via parameter, pass a key value pair with -J
prefixed to the front of the property key name.
# Example
.\jmeter -n `
-t "$plan_file" `
-p "$prop_file" `
-JOPRID="$User" `
-JPASS="$Pass" `
--logfile "$results_file" `
--jmeterlogfile "$run_log" `
The PeopleTools Validation test plan(pt-validation.jmx) can be used to validate a PeopleSoft environments configuration and functionality. The goal of this plan is to test a series of PeopleTools functions to ensure an environment is configured correctly. This is often used after a refresh, applying maintenance or initial build.
- User Login
- Process Scheduler Tests
- Process Request - SQR
- Process Request - AE
- Integration Broker Tests
- Ping - Gateway
- Ping - PSFT_HR
- Service Configuration Target Locations
- Search Framework Tests
- Cluster Search Instance Properties
- Call Back Properties
- Search Index - Navigator
- Portal Tests
- Test HRMS Component
- User Logout
You can run this test in CLI via the PowerShell helper script lib\cli-example.ps1
# Default Parameters
# -JMeterHome "[JMETER_HOME]\jmeter" # binary
# -JMeterLib "C:\psft-validation" # test plans
cd c:\jmeter
.\lib\cli-example.ps1 -Environment "<envname>" -User "<user>" -Pass "<password>"
You can run the PeopleSoft Validation Test Plan from Rundeck. Pass in the environment name and credentials. The job will pick a batch server for this environment to run on. It will first copy the latest version of this JMeter Library, then run the test plan. If there are any errors in the test plan log, the Rundeck job will fail.
Each environment has its own file. This can be found at data\$
. Below is an example of a properties file.
# Thread Group Settings