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API using Python - Flask - Postgresql

(understand the code before running it blindly)

The is like a skeleton! (Created some temporary GET route for posting form data quickly!)

don't except 100% output without modiying it...

1) /blog/posts

This gets all the data from given table of from the database and return it in json format (array of objects)

e.g. looks like this...

  "users" : [
    "email": ""
    "email": ""

this route also includes advanced queries!

  • ?order= [either 'asc' or 'desc' | bydefault it's set to 'desc'] This will decide in which order the query should give response json either in ascending or descending order.
  • ?orderby= [could have '_id','title','author','created' or 'description' | bydefault it's set to 'created'] This will tell according to what basis the query should fetch the data from database.[bydefault it will fetch latest data first and oldest last]
  • ?author= [could have name of author | bydefault its None] This will fetch data for given author name from db
  • ?tag= [could have any tag value | bydefault its None] This will fetch all data whose tags matches the given tag.
  • ?search= [could have any search string which is to be searched] This will fetch all data related to the search string

(These queries can be combined together for more accuracy in response as per required!)

2) /blog/admin

for admin previleges, must login for performing some adding or deleting posts operations !(from api site)

3) /blog/create

Will insert the Title, Author, Content, Description, Tags, Thumbnail data into posts Table! i.e. it will create a new Article!

Required fields for creation of post: type -> form data

  • title
  • author
  • content
  • description [optional will set value as 50 characters from content]
  • tags [needs to be array]
  • thumbnail

query parameter:

  • ?token= This will be checked for authorized access for creating new Articles

4) /blog/post?id=

This route will fetch data for single post of mentioned _id from the database...

5) Login through C_AUTH header request

Added feature for logging in via header request (C_AUTH) with particular key value ! (if working on cross-domain/cross-site it will give only one time access, so would've to use it with all requests!)

6) /blog/post/delete

This will delete all posts from db

query parameters:

  • ?id= [It could be any existing post id] This will delete the post of given id from db

7) /blog/author

This route will give information about author if 'name' query parametr is given to this route.

query parameters:

  • ?name= [it could have any available author name] This will fetch the information about given author name.

8) /blog/update

This will update the data values from the existing post of given 'id' parameter.

query parameters:

  • ?id= [it could be any existing post id] This will define the post which is to be updated
  • ?token= This will be checked for authorized access for Updating new Articles

Required fields for updation of post of given id: (only give the params which needs to be updated from post with given id other data will reamain as it is!) type -> form data

  • title
  • author
  • content
  • description
  • tags [needs to be array]
  • thumbnail

9) /blog

(does nothing but something is one query param is provided!)

query parameter:

  • ?get=tag This will fetch all the tags that have been used in all current existing articles

10) /blog/login

This is used for authentication, as it sounds it performs login of particular user and generates a jwt token which can be used to access routes like /blog/create and /blog/update without any auth-header (token will expire after 1 day)

query parameter:

  • ?token= This will respond that the user is already logged in!(only if token is valid and not expired..)

11) /blog/login/check

This is used to check if the user is logged in or not(obviously will need help of jwt token)

query parameter:

  • ?token= This will respond accordingly the token is provided e.g.
    "response":"Not Logged In!(ps:token is missing)",

Web App Under Development!

This is still under developement ...