NetEngine is terminal emulator game engine designed to allow teachers to create scenario based network and Linux learning environments and challenges and allow students to explore some of the basic principles of network based reconnaissance tools, Linux operating system configuration commands and possibly even foriegn language studies with multi-lingual support.
The premise is that the engine is completely dynamic and configurable by an easily editable configuration source so that different scenarios, tools, users, and network configurations can be created to allow for different learning objectives or critical analysis or even possibly assessment without mastery or overhead of actual systems and all their complexities.
- Python 3+
git clone
cd net-engine
Enter available commands to explore the given configured network environment and determine next steps in an objective to traverse the network or gain root on vulnerable machine(s) on the network.
(NOTE: Demo has no implementation for actually configuring or gaining root, conceptual engine prototype with basic commands and system configuration only)
- Show the man page for a given tooltools
- Show the list of tools available on a machineifconfig
- Show the network interface configuration on a machineusers
- Show the users on a systemhistory
- Show history of a user on a systemlanguage
- Set the language currently in useexit
- Exit the game
- TBDssh
- Access another server on the networknmap
- Show other servers on the networkwireshark
- TBDping
- Real-world labs are timely and have liablity scenarios for teaching real-world skills
- Existing man pages can be dense for beginning learners
- Provisioning or working within existing educational infrastructure is challenging, only needs Python installed
- Tools with a one path scenario provide limited usage and implementation
- ESL students may get left behind in the details of self-learning
- Students teaching may have high level knowledge of technology but not time, knowledge, or resources for actual network configuration
- Configurable network and per operating system scenarios
- Multi-lingual documentation and gameplay suppor
- Easy firewall configuration
- Easy network configuration
- Easy user/group configuration
- Configurable documentation for tools
- Configurable history for "clues" in configured scenarios
A million things could/would/should be done, happt to hear ideas and meet interested contributors.
Issues for suggested features welcome and considered contribution as well.
Fork and pull request bruh...