ESP32 board communciation via AWS IoT MQTT
This is a quickly evolving example. It combines several common libraries to control LED animations locally, and send the state information to AWS. Topic subscribers will receive the state information and can act as they need.
Edit Config.h.example and certificates.h.example to meet your specific needs and save as Config.h and certificates.h
- Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP32
- RGB NeoPixels
- MicroUSB cable for flashing board
- WiFIManager - As of January 31, 2019 this must be the development branch in order for ESP32 boards to work
- WiFiClientSecure
- AceButton
- NeoPixelBus
- Arduino-mqtt
- ArduinoJSON
- Check out the AWS IOT Workshop
- John Damask (standing on the shoulders of giants (i.e. library makers))
- Adafruit
- Shawn Alverson from Tabletronix for the awesome WiFiManager
- Brian Park for AceButton
- These dudes for the ArduinoJSON library
- Michael Miller for NeoPixelBus library