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Releases: jbe2277/waf


25 Jun 17:38
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  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 8.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 8.0 / MAUI 8.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: WeakEvent: Fixed removing of the target handler. Under certain circumstances, the wrong weak handler was collected by the garbage collector.
  • WAF: ObservableList: Fixed adding the same item multiple times.
  • Writer: Supports command line language settings.
  • BookLibrary: Fixed loading of assemblies when CurrentDirectory is not the application folder.
  • BookLibrary: Supports command line language settings.
  • UITest: Automated UI tests for the Writer and Book Library sample application using the FlaUI library.


02 Apr 17:21
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  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 8.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 8.0 / MAUI 8.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: Add INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged interface.
  • WAF: Add IDelegateCommand interface for the RaiseCanExecuteChanged method.
  • WAF: [Breaking Change] IReadOnlyObservableList interface inherits additional from INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: ReadOnlyObservableList implements INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: ObservableListViewBase implements INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: Add ObservableList class which inherits from ObservableCollection and provides support for INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: ObservableList uses weak events to listen for the PropertyChanged event of its items.
  • WAF: ObservableListViewCore uses weak events to listen for the CollectionChanged event.
  • WAF: [Obsolete] Mark ObservableListView (WPF) as obsolete.
  • WAF: Add SynchronizingList which is an improved version of SynchronizingCollectionCore. It supports full two-way synchronization.
  • WAF: [Obsolete] Mark SynchronizingCollectionCore and SynchronizingCollection as obsolete.
  • WAF: Rename SettingsServiceCore to SettingsService; keep old class name for backward compatibility and mark it as obsolete.
  • WAF: Add static DelegateCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(..) method.
  • WAF: Add AsyncDelegateCommand.ExecuteAsync method.
  • WAF: WeakEvent adds support for the events CollectionChanging and CollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: Add static WeakEvent.TryRemove method.
  • WAF: MockView adds support for BindingContext.
  • WAF: Move MockSettingsService to UnitTesting.Core.
  • WAF: Add generic version of MockView and MockDialogView for the view model.
  • Samples: Migrate to .NET 8.0.
  • Samples: Use new ObservableList and DelegateCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged.
  • Samples: Add shortcut to open log file (CTRL+SHIFT+L).
  • Writer: Added an integration unit test.
  • NewsReader: Migrate to MAUI 8 / .NET 8.
  • NewsReader: Extend unit testing and migrate to xUnit.
  • NewsReader: Remove AppCenter support as this service is beeing discontinued by Microsoft.


11 Mar 20:54
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System.Waf Pre-release


  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 8.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 8.0 / MAUI 8.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: ObservableListViewCore uses weak events to listen for the CollectionChanged event.
  • WAF: [Obsolete] Mark ObservableListView (WPF) as obsolete.


09 Feb 20:56
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System.Waf Pre-release


  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 8.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 8.0 / MAUI 8.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: ObservableList uses weak events to listen for the PropertyChanged event of its items.


05 Jan 18:29
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System.Waf Pre-release


  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 8.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 8.0 / MAUI 8.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: Add INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged interface.
  • WAF: Add IDelegateCommand interface for the RaiseCanExecuteChanged method.
  • WAF: [Breaking Change] IReadOnlyObservableList interface inherits additional from INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: ReadOnlyObservableList implements INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: ObservableListViewBase implements INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: Add ObservableList class which inherits from ObservableCollection and provides support for INotifyCollectionChanging and INotifyCollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: Add SynchronizingList which is an improved version of SynchronizingCollectionCore. It supports full two-way synchronization.
  • WAF: [Obsolete] Mark SynchronizingCollectionCore and SynchronizingCollection as obsolete.
  • WAF: Rename SettingsServiceCore to SettingsService; keep old class name for backward compatibility and mark it as obsolete.
  • WAF: Add static DelegateCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(..) method.
  • WAF: Add AsyncDelegateCommand.ExecuteAsync method.
  • WAF: WeakEvent adds support for the events CollectionChanging and CollectionItemChanged.
  • WAF: Add static WeakEvent.TryRemove method.
  • WAF: MockView adds support for BindingContext.
  • WAF: Move MockSettingsService to UnitTesting.Core.
  • Samples: Migrate to .NET 8.0.
  • Samples: Use new ObservableList and DelegateCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged.
  • Samples: Add shortcut to open log file (CTRL+SHIFT+L).
  • NewsReader: Migrate to MAUI 8 / .NET 8.
  • NewsReader: Extend unit testing and migrate to xUnit.


23 Feb 18:40
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  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET 6.0 or .NET Standard 2.0
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET 6.0 or .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 6.0
  • NewsReader: .NET 7.0 / MAUI 7.0 (Android, iOS and WinUI 3)


  • WAF: Add .NET 6.0 target for all libraries. Some new features will only be available for .NET 6 or newer applications.
  • WAF: Replace target net461 with netstandard2.0 for the Core libraries.
  • WAF: Replace target net461 with net472 for the WPF libraries. Breaking change as .NET Framework 4.61 up to 4.71 is not supported anymore.
  • WAF: Remove .NET Core 3.1 target from WPF libraries. Breaking change for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5: WPF libraries do not provide the transitive dependency to WPF and Composition anymore. These references must be set explicitly.
  • WAF: Remove StringHelper.Contains method for the .NET 6 target and greater. Those targets support this method already out of the box.
  • WAF: IView: Add property BindingContext (for MAUI) with a default implementation (requires .NET 6).
  • WAF: IReadOnlyObservableList inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged.
  • WAF: Improve performance of CollectionHelper.IndexOf by using EqualityComparer.
  • WAF: Improve performance by replacing Tuple(s) with ValueTuple(s).
  • NewsReader: Migrate from Xamarin Forms 5.0 to MAUI 7.0.


25 Dec 16:00
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  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET Core 3.1 or .NET Framework 4.6.1


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET 6.0
  • NewsReader: Xamarin.Forms 5.0 (Android, iOS and UWP)


  • WAF: ObservableListViewBase.DeferCollectionChangedNotifications: Improve implementation.
  • Samples: Target framework .Net 6.0.
  • Samples: Update NuGet packages.
  • Samples: Simplify and modernize code.
  • Samples: Improve validation of window position and size before restoring them.
  • Writer: Writer: Refactor code base so that WPF and File IO based classes are now in Presentation layer.
  • InfoMan: Add ShellService.CommitUIChanges.
  • NewsReader: Migrate NewsReader to VS2022.
  • NewsReader: Update Android to target v12 SDK 31.


02 Aug 19:26
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  • This release contains the source code of the Win Application Framework (WAF) and the sample applications. Please build the whole solution before you start one of the sample applications.


  • System.Waf.Core and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core: .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • System.Waf.Wpf and System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf: .NET Core 3.1 or .NET Framework 4.6.1


  • Writer, Book Librarary and Information Manager: .NET Core 3.1 or .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • NewsReader: Xamarin.Forms 5.0 (Android, iOS and UWP)


  • WAF: Update version number.


04 Jul 14:32
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System.Waf Pre-release
  • WAF: WPF: Add new Bind class which is a culture aware binding implementation.


29 May 19:19
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System.Waf Pre-release
  • WAF: Add Model.RaisePropertyChanged overload to notify that multiple properties have changed.
  • WAF: WPF: Add new overloads for MessageServiceExtensions.
  • WAF: UnitTesting: Add new stub properties for MockMessageService and MockFileDialogService.