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Batch TCK with JBeret

chengfang edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 7 revisions

1, Download TCK zip and instruction guide from

2, Follow the steps in TCK instruction guide to install and set up TCK. Edit file:

batch.impl.classes=/Users/cfang/jberet/lib/*  (points to all jars in JBeret standalone distro)

Batch TCK defines TCK SPI to allow TCK users to customize how a batch implementation signals the end of a job completion to tests. There is a default TCK SPI implementation in artifacts/jsr352-tck-SPI.jar. JBeret also provides its own TCK SPI implementation at . To use JBeret TCK SPI impl, copy target/tck-porting-impl...jar to tck.install.dir/lib, and it will be picked up by TCK runtime.

3, To run the TCK

cd tck.install.dir

4, Test results and report are stored under tck.install.dir/results. The previous results will be overwritten by the next test run. So you may want to back up certain test results. To view it in browser:


5, Batch TCK uses TestNG. You can configure it to run a subset of the tests, filtering by test package, test class, or test method, in artifacts/jsr352-tck-impl-suite.xml. For example,

<suite name="JSR352 TCK SE" verbose="2">
        <test name="JSR352 TCK SE">
         <package name="" />
      <class name="">
          <include name="testInvokeJobUsingTCCL" />

6, To debug tests, you just need to add debug options to tck.install.dir/build.xml:

<!-- add to the top of build.xml -->
<property environment="env" />
<property name="debug.options" value="${env.DEBUG_OPTIONS}" />
<!-- add above other jvmarg element inside run target -->
<jvmarg line="${debug.options}" />

To enable debugging:

setenv DEBUG_OPTIONS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:9009,server=y,suspend=y

To disable debugging:


7, To report TCK bug or issues, send to JSR 352 public mailing list, or enter a bug in jbatch project issue tracking.