App to easily keep track of your finances
App developed during Rocketseat Ignite bootcamp on React.
- Add new transaction
- Show total transactions, withdraws and final value
- Show transaction history
You can check the live version HERE
Or run locally
# Clone this repository
$ git clone <>
# Access the project folder
$ cd dtmoney
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Start application in development mode
$ npm run start
# The server will start on port: 3000. Access <http://localhost:3000>
The following technologies were used in the development of this project:
- How to use Styled Components.
- Define global style for a project.
- Why use rem units and why set mobile font-size as a percentage.
- How to import fonts from Google Fonts in a faster way.
- CSS filter tag
- using HTML tables
- simulating a backend for development environment: JSON server or MirageJS.
- using Axios to interact with apis
- using react-modal to create modals
- Using Polished for color manipulation
- Passing arguments to styled components components
- Pattern: functions that are called upon user action have a name starting with 'handle'
- Dealing with forms in React
- MirageJS database
- Add data to mirage database
- Intl library
- Contexts for sharing states among different components
- Using react context
Julia Bier
Made with ❤️ by Julia Bier 👋🏽 Contact me!