WhiteboxTools v1.0.1
This is a bug-fix release. It includes the following changes:
- Boolean type tool parameters previously worked simply by their presence in the parameter list. That is, simply have --flag in the list set the value of flag to True while its absence set it to False. This was causing problems with some WBT front-ends, particularly the QGIS front-end, where the parameters were being provided to WBT as --flag=False. In this case, because the flag was present, it was assumed to be True. All tools that have Boolean parameters have been updated to handle the case of --flag=False. This is a widespread modification that should fix the unexpected behaviour of many tools in certain front-ends. Because this represents a significant modification to the behaviour of numerous tools, it was decided that this minor release was warranted.
- Fixed a minor bug with the VectorPolygonToRaster tool.
- Fixed a bug in the DownstreamDistanceToStream tool.