Easily migrate content to Sitecore XM Cloud using the Sitecore Authoring and Management GraphQL API. See Seamles Content Migrating with GraphQL
Utilizing the Sitecore GraphQL API proves to be an efficient strategy for seamlessly migrating content to Sitecore XM Cloud. This approach leverages the power of GraphQL to streamline the transfer process, ensuring a smooth and structured content including media migration experience.
This repository provides a C# demo of the Sitecore GraphQL API. The included console app showcases various capabilities, such as retrieving Sitecore items, obtaining a list of websites, inserting sample items, and uploading media files. To get started, simply fill in your hostname, API key, and access token in the app.config file.
Please Note: This tool is not limited to Sitecore XM Cloud and is compatible with Sitecore 10.3 and later.
This API empowers you to perform mutations on your Sitecore instance.
Authentication: Bearer token
With this API, you can read items from the master database.
Authentication: GUID (located at /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys)
See Walkthrough: Enabling and authorizing requests to the Authoring and Management API you can also retrieve it from the .sitecore/user.json file if you have a valid connection in PowerShell with XM Cloud (using 'dotnet sitecore login'). The access token, bearer token is a string of about 5KB in length.
(GUID), which can be found below /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys in Sitecore