Interact with the Win32 APIs used to create processes. See about_ProcessEx for more details.
Documentation for this module and details on the cmdlets included can be found here.
These cmdlets have the following requirements
- PowerShell v5.1 or newer
- .NET Framework 4.7.2+ or .NET Core+
- Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows 7 or newer
The easiest way to install this module is through PowerShellGet.
You can install this module by running;
# Install for only the current user
Install-Module -Name ProcessEx -Scope CurrentUser
# Install for all users
Install-Module -Name ProcessEx -Scope AllUsers
Contributing is quite easy, fork this repo and submit a pull request with the changes.
To build this module run .\build.ps1 -Task Build
in PowerShell.
To test a build run .\build.ps1 -Task Test
in PowerShell.
This script will ensure all dependencies are installed before running the test suite.