Is a Cloud-Base Calendar app that allows you to book appointments on your phone, tablet, or computer for your personal or business needs.
Follow the instructions listed below to properly run and register in our Calendar App.
Git Clone
npm install
cd client
npm install
cd ..
npm start dev
Our customers Barbershop Website linked to our Schedule App
Allows customers to set an appointment at their convenience [User Interface]
This is the Business Interface where the owner set an appointment for the customer and triggers a text as a reminder.
Customer is ready for his next haircut and enjouing the benefit of the text reminder.
- Jose Torres - jt227b Front-End
- Onix Castro- onix-xcc Front-End
- Jerry Bribiesca - jbribiesca Back-End
- Shane Gove - smgove Back-End
- "The wisest mind has something yet to learn."