JoomExBuild is a Joomla Extension Build Script to run under the phing scripting language. It consists of two parts:
- "update_repo" which updates a repository (or just a holding folder) from a Joomla! installation or test server with the files that make up that chosen extension.
- "build_extension" that takes those files and creates an installable package from them.
Also "update_version_info" that - separately to any other operations - updates version numbers and time stamps of .php and .xml files in the project repository
See "Joomla Build Script readme.pdf" for full documentation.
Issued under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (License.txt).
Developer contact details: see If you are just using this script, wonder how you managed without it, or having problems, it would be great to hear from you.
Although not a fork, this project has been based on the code and ideas to be found here: