This is a clojure adaptation of the Language Confluxer perl scripts developed by Chris Pound.
- Install leiningen.
The Language Confluxer (or lc for short) takes in a sample wordlist and generates a map of tuples to the letters that follow them. Using this map, we can create random words that resemble the sample input.
$ lein trampoline run -- lc -n 10 -f datafile.txt
This reads a wordlist, does some cleanup, and then generates words to standard out. The above example prints out 10 words. Output counts above 10000 may take awhile, and expect to wait a few seconds for inputs over a megabyte.
$ lein trampoline run -- compress -f datafile.txt -o datafile.txt.out
This does the beginning part of lc
, but instead of generating words, it dumps
the data to the outfile. I'm still testing whether reading these compressed
files is faster than just reading thw whole input again, but it seems likely
that it will be. It's interesting to look at for large datasets though!
-n, --number NUMBER 1 Number of words to generate.
-f, --file FILE Filename of sample wordlist.
-d, --data FILE Filename of compressed datafile.
-o, --output FILE Filename to write compressed datafile to.
-h, --help
Copyright © 2017 Jon Bristow
Distributed under the MIT Public License. Please see LICENSE for details.