This is a simple R package that allows you to create calendar widgets from R using the FullCalendar javascript library.
Install by using the devtools
Or run from the command line:
R -e "devtools::install()"
calendar_data = data.frame(
title = paste("Event", 1:3),
start = c("2017-03-01", "2017-03-01", "2017-03-15"),
end = c("2017-03-02", "2017-03-04", "2017-03-18"),
color = c("red", "blue", "green")
## or a javascript function
## calendar_data <- JS(read_file("www/js/calendarEventSource.js"))
settings = list(
plugins = list("interaction", "dayGrid", "timeGrid"),
editable = TRUE,
locale = "es",
firstDay = 1,
defaultView = list("dayGridMonth"),
header = list(
left = "prev, next today",
center = "title",
right = "dayGridMonth, dayGridWeek, dayGridDay"
## Calendar events
eventClick = JS(read_file("calendarEventClick.js")),
eventDrop = JS(read_file("calendarEventDrop.js"))
fullcalendar(calendar_data, settings = settings)