Set of NAnt scripts to produce CruiseControl.Net configuration files
Gets CruiseControl.Net 1.8.5 and other binaries from
File ${autobuilds.dir}/Products.xml describes projects structure in comparison to products and workstations. Note. The product "Building" lists all envirounments and workstations that belong to.
= Prerequisites =
- [ Nant 0.92.1]
- TortoiseSVN with "command line client tools" installed
- CruiseControl.NET- may install web dashboard
- for zipping
= Build environment installation =
- select folder to store scripts and all build files. folder will be called ${root.dir} later
- checkout {{svn|src}} into ${root.dir} or if you have no access checkout {{svn|src/AutoBuilds}} into ${root.dir}\AutoBuilds folder (called ${autobuilds.dir} later)
- get environment.xml from someone or from {{svn|src/Keys/BuildEnvironments}} and put it into ${autobuilds.dir}\CCNetConfiguration folder (called ${config.dir} later)
- run ${config.dir}\setCurrentDeploy.vbs environment.xml (in Explorer this can be achieved by dragging the environment.xml file and dropping onto the ${config.dir}\setCurrentDeploy.vbs)
- run ${config.dir}\CCNet\ ** CCNetConfig.log should have "BUILD SUCCEEDED" in the end
- run ${config.dir}\CCNet\CCNetServiceInstall.bat as Administrator ** Windows service with name 'CCService environment' should be created
- in order to test installation ${autobuilds.dir}_environment_\CCNet\ccnet.exe may be run
- check port attribute in ${autobuilds.dir}_environment_\ccservice.exe.config
- change Log On User for Windows service of CCService_environment_ to user who accesses [[TFS_Sources]], start service and open firewall for it if needed
- check that CruiseControl is running and have at least Building project. In order to do this look at ccnet.exe messages or at a web dashboard or at a CCTray
= TFS notes =
- Used CC_NET workspace by default.
- Working folder may be mapped to only one workspace and such mapping is done in Visual Studio or first time by cruisecontrol.