Contact List is a RESTful API server and web application built with the MEAN stack. It is a simple example that aims to concisely demonstrate basic MEAN and REST architecture. (original repo:
- Follow the full tutorial here to deploy the app in this repository:
- Change the app so the main title contains your name, e.g., "MyName Contancts"
- Option: change the app from a contact list to your wishlist from the course
- Edit this README file so it has your details, below (this is a private repository seen only by you and course stuff)
- Make sure you see your commits before the excercise is due
- Excercise: HW1 - webapp deployment
- Name:
- ID#
- github username:
- Heroku app deplyment link:
- Estimation of hours I worked on it:
You can also add here comments and wishes from the course.
Good luck!