This is an awesome TextField formatter extension built on top Cleave.js. Supports credit card formatting and custom blocks e.g. IBAN.
- Import to your favourite IDE
- Run main method of the Server class to launch embedded web server that lists all your test UIs at http://localhost:9998
- Code and test
- create UI's for various use cases for your add-ons, see examples. These can also work as usage examples for your add-on users.
- create browser level and integration tests under src/test/java/
- Browser level tests are executed manually from IDE (JUnit case) or with Maven profile "browsertests" (mvn verify -Pbrowsertests). If you have a setup for solidly working Selenium driver(s), consider enabling that profile by default.
- Test also in real world projects, on good real integration test is to create a separate demo project using vaadin-archetype-application, build a snapshot release ("mvn install") of the add-on and use the snapshot build in it. Note, that you can save this demo project next to your add-on project and save it to same GIT(or some else SCM) repository, just keep them separated for perfect testing.
- Push your changes to e.g. Github
- Update pom.xml to contain proper SCM coordinates (first time only)
- Use Maven release plugin (mvn release:prepare; mvn release:perform)
- Upload the ZIP file generated to target/checkout/target directory to service (and/or optionally publish your add-on to Maven central)