This projects contains a tutorial on how to process functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data with the scikit-learn.
This work is made available by the INRIA Parietal Project Team and the scikit-learn folks, among which V. Michel, A. Gramfort, G. Varoquaux, F. Pedregosa and B. Thirion.
- Official source code repo:
- HTML documentation (stable release):
The required dependencies to sue the software are Python >= 2.6, setuptools, Numpy >= 1.3, SciPy >= 0.7, Scikit-learn >= 0.12.1 This configuration almost matches the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release from April 2010, except for scikit-learn, which must be installed separately.
Running the examples requires matplotlib >= 0.99.1
If you want to run the tests, you need recent python-coverage and python-nose. (resp. 3.6 and 1.2.1).
This package uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. To install in your home directory, use:
python install --user
To install for all users on Unix/Linux:
python build sudo python install
You can check the latest sources with the command:
git clone git://
or if you have write privileges:
git clone