This is a list of 3D Engine related papers and code resources. It focuses on game engine resources, mostly on recent material.
- Game Engines - A Guide for Writing Your Own - Reddit thread that has lots of useful info.
- Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!
- Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition by Jason Gregory
- Books by David H. Eberly - Eberly has written a number of books about 3D Engines and 3D Physics.
- Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL by Paul Varcholik - Windows only.
- Designing a Modern Rendering Engine (PDF) - Thesis from 2007 so somewhat dated, but good starting point (and free).
- Data Driven Renderer (PDF)
- Data Driven Rendering by Gabriel Sassone
- Modern Renderer Design (Thread)
- OpenGL Renderer Design (Blog post)
- Rendering Engine Design (PDF)
- A Reactive 3D Game Engine in Scala
- Stateless Rendering
- Destinys's Renderer
- Rendering in Cesium
- Physically based shading papers/tutorials? - Reddit Thread
- Moving Frostbite to PBR
- PBR and Light Source Amount in Modern Games (thread)
- PBR Guide (Allegoritmic)
- PBR for UE4
- PBR for sketchfab
- Forward+ (PDF)
- Forward vs Deferred vs Forward+ Rendering with DirectX 11
- Tile based forward rendering?
- 2048 Point Lights @ 60 FPS
- Which Global Illumination Technique Is Best For Your Game?
- GI in Games (PDF)
- Stunning Video Game Graphics With Voxel Cone Tracing (Video)
- Implementing Voxel Cone Tracing
- Virtual Terain Project
- Creating our own Skydome
- Triple Depth Culling
- Show HN: OpenGL in super slow motion – visualising Z-buffering
- Fast Hierarchical Culling
- Making Faster Fragment Shaders by Using Tessellation Shaders
- Optimizing the Graphics Pipeline with Compute - Frostbite
- Automatic Shader Simplification using Surface Signal Approximation (PDF)
- Software optimization resources
- [Writing an efficient Vulkan Renderer)(
- Introduction to Networked Physics - Reddit thread
- Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Applications
- A Stream-based Time Synchronization Technique For Networked Computer Games
- Building a 3D Game Engine with .NET Core
- EntityX - Fast Entity Component
- Tiny Renderers
- - Vulkan Forward+ Renderer
- - A Vulkan implementation of real-time PBR rendere
- - Full C++14 Engine with Vulkan renederer
- Voxel Code Tracing
- - Voxel Code Tracing
- - Yume Engine
- - Physically based Computer Graphics Library
- - Yeppp! is a high-performance SIMD-optimized mathematical library for x86, ARM, and MIPS
- - A library for creating secure client/server network protocols over UDP
- Humus - 3D game engine research and techniques
- Yume Engine - 3D Engine research
- BitSquid/Stingray- Autodesk Engine
- Z-Fight Club