It's an app made in Django and Django Rest fpr Backend and Angular in Frontend. It has the object for creating and maintaining an medical system.
##Preparing your environment:
- First of all a virtual env must be created.
- From inside the folder backend, you will find a file requirements.txt. Run the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all the python's dependency. - The backend use the postgres database. If you are familiar with docker, you can use a image from dockerhub to start
the db. This can be achieved running the following commands:
docker pull postgres
edocker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Create a database called medicar inside the postgress.
- Run the commands
python makemigrations
andpython migrate
to prepare the database. - Now it's time to create a super user to enter the admin page. Use the command
python createsuperuser --email --username admin
, passing the password and confirming it. - Finally, run the command
python runserver
to start the api.
- From inside the frontend/src/app folder run the command
npm install
, to download and installing all Angular dependencies. - As soon as it finishes, you can run the command
ng serve
to start the application. Remember to start the backend service previously, so the application is fully functional.
If you want to use an application such as Postman or Insomnia to make requests to API in Backend only, or even via curl, you must send a field in the request header called Authorization, with the prefix JWT and the authentication token. The token must be returned when logging in or registering in the application.
Example: Authorization: JWT <user_token>
admin/ - Available via browser only. Administrative interface for creating Especialidade, Medico and Agenda objects.
- For the "horarios" field in the agenda creation, as it is a list of times, it is enough that the user passes in the required field something like: "14:00, 21:00", without quotes.
registration/ - POST -> It allows the creation of new users in the system.
login/ - POST -> It allows the login of existing users, through username / email and password.
consultas/{id}: DELETE -> It allows the deletion of an existent Consulta object, passing Consulta unique identifier.
consulta/: POST -> It allows create new Consulta objects, passing information such as Agenda identifier and scheduled time.
consultas: GET -> Allows you to search existent Consulta objects.
especialidades: GET -> Allows you to search existent Especialidade objects.
- Possible query params:
- search: Especialidade name
- Possible query params:
medicos: GET -> Allows you to search existent Medico objects.
- Possible query params:
- search: Medico name
- especialidade: Especialidade name
- Possible query params:
agendas/: GET -> Allows you to search existent Agenda objects.
- Possible query params:
- medico: Medico identifier
- especialidade: Especialidade identifier
- data_inicio: Start date for filtering, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- data_final: End date for filtering, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- Possible query params: