Add fade screen to UI manager, now the game are enable the simple focus and un-focus effect.
Add randomize const wave effect.
JCS_TransformTweener continue tween provide all three transform type now, so
developers can tween between position/rotation/scale for now on.
Const wave effect support 3 dimentional, and using Untiy Object as the base class
which mean the effect can be use by any Unity object layer.
JCS_RandomTweenerAction implemented.
Downgrade resources's screen panel object, in order to save a bit of runtime memory
usage and performance.
Add value offset to JCS_TransformTweener.
Fix wrong naming/typo.
PacketLostPreventer add the timer in order not to send the packet to often and
save a bit of performance comparing 60 packets (frame rate) per second.
JCS_LookAtMouseAction implemented.
JCS_ActivePanelButton implemented.
JCS_DeactivePanelButton implemented.
JCS_SwitchServerButton implemented.
JCS_SwitchServerButton implemented.
JCS_ApplicationCloseSimulateSceneOnline scene added, for online exit client.
JCS_OpenURLButton implemented.
Rename PacketDecoder to JCS_DefaultPacketDecoder private same file name.
Rename PacketEncoder to JCS_DefaultPacketEncoder prevent same file name.
Out of range Bugs fixed with 'JCS_ServerRequestProcessor'.
JCS_PacketLostPreventer implemented for tracking down and solve the packet lost
issue by using the UDP for network communicattion.
Add Asynchronous Datagram Socket for option in 'JCS_NetworkSettings'.
JCS_UDPGameSocket implemented.
JCS_Canvas have ability to let other component add to the resizable panel.
Add asynchronous callback to socket.
JCS_ClientMode implemented.
JCS_RecvPacketType implemented.
JCS_SendPacketType implemented.
Add more meaningful to JCS_DefaultClientHandler.
JCS_PacketProcessor implemented for sample the network handle.
Error handling for server packet/request.
JCS_BinaryReader implemented for another framework 'JCSNetS'.
JCS_Client implemented.
JCS_ServerRequestProcessor implemented.
Add require component to 'JCS_NetworkSettings' for 'JCS_ServerRequestProcessor'.
JCS_PacketHandler implemented.
JCS_DefaultClientHandler for demo use.
JCS_Packet for standard byte array storage class.
Default buffer input and output mem does not set correctlly, settings fixed.
Client handler logic error in Game Socekt.
Client handler implemented, so we could have our own packet/buffer handler.
You can’t perform that action at this time.