Check out the post.
Build the images and spin up the containers:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Run the migrations and seed the database:
$ docker-compose exec server python recreate_db
$ docker-compose exec server python seed_db
Test it out at:
Install and run Minikube:
- Install a Hypervisor (like VirtualBox or HyperKit) to manage virtual machines
- Install and Set Up kubectl to deploy and manage apps on Kubernetes
- Install Minikube
Start the cluster:
$ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
$ minikube dashboard
Create the volume:
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume.yml
Create the volume claim:
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume-claim.yml
Create the secret object:
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/secret.yml
Create deployment:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-deployment.yml
Create the service:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-service.yml
Create the database:
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec postgres-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- createdb -U postgres books
Build and push the image to Docker Hub:
$ docker build -t mjhea0/flask-kubernetes ./services/server
$ docker push mjhea0/flask-kubernetes
Make sure to replace
with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml
Create the deployment:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml
Create the service:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-service.yml
Apply the migrations and seed the database:
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec flask-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- python recreate_db
$ kubectl exec flask-<POD_IDENTIFIER> --stdin --tty -- python seed_db
Enable and apply:
$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/minikube-ingress.yml
Add entry to /etc/hosts file:
Try it out:
Build and push the image to Docker Hub:
$ docker build -t mjhea0/vue-kubernetes ./services/client \
-f ./services/client/Dockerfile-minikube
$ docker push mjhea0/vue-kubernetes
Again, replace
with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/vue-deployment.yml
Create the deployment:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/vue-deployment.yml
Create the service:
$ kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/vue-service.yml
Try it out at
The original project was built using Kubernetes 1.13. Some of the API's have been deprecated and do not work with version 1.16.
can be used to convert. E.g.:
kubectl convert -f ./kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml.yml --output-version apps/v1
For example, the flask-deployment.yml
went from:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
A number of new default values are added in the conversion too.