MIND: ab initio gene predictions by MAKER combined with gene predictions INferred Directly from alignment of RNA-Seq evidence to the genome. BIND: ab initio gene predictions by BRAKER combined with gene predictions INferred Directly from alignment of RNA-Seq evidence to the genome.
Find an Orphan-Enriched RNA-Seq dataset from NCBI-SRA:
- Search RNA-Seq datasets for your organism on NCBI, filter Runs (SRR) for Illumina, paired-end, HiSeq 2500 or newer.
- Download Runs from NCBI (SRA-toolkit)
- If existing annotations is available, expression quantification is done against every gene using every SRR with Kallisto.
- run phylostratR on current gene models to infer phylostrata of each gene model
- Rank the SRRs with highest number of expressed orphans and select feasible amounts of data to work with.
If NCBI-SRA has no samples for your organism, and you are relying solely on RNA-Seq that you generate yourself, best practice is to maximize representation of all genes by including conditions like reproductive tissues and stresses in which orphan gene expression is high.
- Align RNA-Seq with splice aware aligner (STAR or HiSat2 preferred, HiSat2 used here)
- Generate BAM file for each SRA-SRR id, merge them to generate a single sorted BAM file
- Align RNA-Seq with splice aware aligner (STAR or HiSat2 preferred, HiSat2 used here)
- Generate BAM file for each SRA-SRR id, merge them to generate a single sorted BAM file
- Run Trinity to generate transcriptome assembly using the BAM file
- Run TransDecoder on Trinity transcripts to predict ORFs and translate them to protein
- Download SwissProt curated proteins (use proteins from Viridiplantae for plants)
- Run MAKER with transcripts (Trinity), proteins (TransDecoder and SwissProt), in homology-only mode
- Use the MAKER predictions to train SNAP and AUGUSTUS. Self-train GeneMark
- Run second round of MAKER with the above (SNAP, AUGUSTUS, and GeneMark) ab initio predictions plus the results from previous MAKER rounds.
Run Direct Inference evidence-based predictions:
- Align RNA-Seq with splice aware aligner (STAR or HiSat2 preferred, HiSat2 used here)
- Generate BAM file for each SRA-SRR id, merge these to generate a single BAM file sorted by coordinates.
- Use the sorted BAM file with multiple transcript assemblers for genome guided transcript assembly:
- Trinity GG
- Class2
- StringTie
- Cufflinks
- Align Trinity transcripts to the genome to generate GFF3 file (using GMAP)
- Run PortCullis to remove invalid splice junctions
- Consolidate transcripts and generate a non-redundant set of transcripts using Mikado.
- Predict ORFs on these consolidated transcripts using TransDecoder
- run BLASTx for consolidated transcripts against SwissProt curated dataset.
- Pick best transcripts using all the above information with Miakdo Pick.
final step in BIND
- Use EVM to combine BRAKER-generated predictions with Direct Inference evidence-based predictions.
final step in MIND
- Use EVM to combine MAKER-generated predictions with Direct Inference evidence-based predictions.
All case studies used in the manuscript are listed in the Table here. Additional information can be found by clicking on the case study (methods, parameters and dataset used).
Go to NCBI SRA page and search with "SRA Advanced Search Builder". This allows you to build a query and select the Runs that satisfy certain requirements. For example:
("Arabidopsis thaliana"[Organism] AND
"filetype fastq"[Filter] AND
"paired"[Layout] AND
"illumina"[Platform] AND
Then export the results to "Run Selector" as follows:
Clicking the "Accession List" allows you to download all the SRR IDs in a text file format. For downloading data with SRA Toolkit (use runSRAdownload.sh
while read line; do
runSRAdownload.sh $line;
# max file size is set to 100Gb
# change `--max-size 100G` to allow >100Gb files
Note: depending on how much data you find, this can take a lot of time as well as resources (disk usage). You may need to narrow down and select only a subset of total datasets. One way to do this is by selecting SRRs most likely to be diverse (eg: stress response, flowering tissue, or SRRs with very deep coverage). In this workflow, we will screen them based on number of orphan genes expressed in each SRR. This assumes that you have existing annotations for your organism. If you don't, then you can skip the next few steps and move to "Run BRAKER" section.
Download the CDS sequences for your organism
wget https://www.arabidopsis.org/download_files/Genes/Araport11_genome_release/Araport11_blastsets/Araport11_genes.201606.cds.fasta.gz
gunzip Araport11_genes.201606.cds.fasta.gz
kallisto index -i ARAPORT11cds Araport11_genes.201606.cds.fasta
For each SRR ID, run the Kallisto qualitification (runKallisto.sh
while read line; do
runKallisto.sh ARAPORT11cds $line;
Once done, the tsv files containing counts and TPM were merged using joinr.sh
joinr.sh *.tsv >> kallisto_out_tair10.txt
For every SRR id, the file contains 3 columns, effective length
, estimated counts
and transcript per million
The input to phylostratr is the predicted proteins from your gene-prediction method.
Using this input, run the runPhylostrarRa.sh
. This will download the datasets, but will not run BLAST.
Run Blast using runBLASTp.sh
and proceed with formatting the BLAST results using format-BLAST-for-phylostratr.sh
Run the runPhylostratRb.sh
Once the orphan (species-specific) genes are identified, count the total number of orphan genes expressed (>1TPM) in each SRR, rank them based on % orphan expressed. Depending on how much computational resources you have, you can select the top X number of SRRs to use them as evidence for direct inference and as training data.
Note: for Arabidopsis thaliana, we used all of the SRRs that expressed over 60% of the orphan genes (=38 SSRs) Note: If you are relying solely on RNA-Seq that you generate yourself, best practice is to maximize representation of all genes by including conditions like reproductive tissues and stresses, in which orphan gene expression is high.
To simplify handling of files, combine all the forward reads to one file and all the reverse reads to another.
cat *_1.fastq.gz >> forward_reads.fq.gz
cat *_2.fastq.gz >> reverse_reads.fq.gz
Run BRAKER using the runBRAKER.sh
runBraker.sh forward_reads.fq.gz reverse_reads.fq.gz TAIR10_chr_all.fas
For running MAKER, you will need:
- Genome assembly in fasta format, eg:
- Trinity assembled transcripts form the SRA datasets, eg:
- Trinity transcripts translated to proteins, combined with curated proteins dataset, eg:
Here are the steps in detail. generate the CTL files:
module load GIF/maker
module rm perl/5.22.1
maker -CTL
This will generate 3 CTL files (maker_opts.ctl
, maker_bopts.ctl
and maker_exe.ctl
), you will need to edit them to make changes to the MAKER run.
For the first round, change these lines in maker_opts.ctl
Execute MAKER in a slurm file as shown. It is essential to request more than 1 node with multiple processors to run this efficiently.
mpiexec \
-n 64 \
/work/GIF/software/programs/maker/2.31.9/bin/maker \
-base maker \
Upon completion, train SNAP, AUGUSTUS and Pre-trained GeneMark to run the second round using script
# process first round results and train SNAP/AUGUSTUS
maker_process.sh maker
# train GeneMark
runGeneMark.sh TAIR10_chr_all.fas
Once complete, the second round of MAKER is run by modifying the following lines in maker_opts.ctl
and run MAKER as:
mpiexec \
-n 64
/work/GIF/software/programs/maker/2.31.9/bin/maker \
-base maker \
finalize predictions using maker_finalize.sh
maker_finalize.sh maker
The merged BAM file generated for BRAKER can be used here (merged_SRA.bam
). All transcript assembly programs will use this as input to generate transcripts . If you plant to use more RNAseq data, you can use the runHisat2.sh
and generate a single, BAM file of mapped RNAseq reads.
Run Transcriptome assemblies using Trinity, Class2, Cufflinks and Stringtie. The scripts runTrinity-gg.sh
, runClass2.sh
, runCufflinks.sh
, runStringtie.sh
can be executed as:
runTrinity-gg.sh merged_SRA.bam
runClass2.sh merged_SRA.bam
runCufflinks.sh merged_SRA.bam
runStringtie.sh merged_SRA.bam
While Class2, Cufflinks and StringTie generates a GFF3 format transcripts, Trinity only outputs transcripts. To generate GFF3 for Trinity, we can map them back to genome using GMAP. The script runGMAP_on_Trinity-gg.sh
can be used as:
runGMAP_on_Trinity-gg.sh Trinity-GG.fasta
The mapped reads can them be processed to generate high confidence splice sites that are useful for picking correct transcritps. We use PortCullis runPortCullis.sh
for that purpose:
runPortCullis.sh merged_SRA.bam
We will now consolidate all the transcripts, removing redundancy to create input set of transcripts for Mikado. This is done using Mikado prepare runMikado-1.sh
Running this script requires: list.txt
a file listing all transcript assemblies and weight; genome.fasta
target genome assembly; junctions.bed
with splice junctions information.
mergedBAM_class.gtf cs1 False
mergedBAM_cufflinks.gtf cl1 False
mergedBAM_stringtie.gtf st1 False
mergedBAM_trinity_gg_match_cdna.gff3 tr1 False
runMikado-1.sh genome.fasta junctions.bed list.txt
This will generate mikado_prepared.fasta
file that will be used for predicting ORFs using TransDecoder runTransDecoder.sh
as follows.
runTransDecoder.sh mikado_prepared.fasta
# output: mikado_prepared.fasta.transdecoder.bed
Information regarding full-length gene models can be generated using BLASTx (against the genome itself or against curated SwissPort). Here we use genome runBLASTx.sh
runBLASTx.sh mikado_prepared.fasta
# output: mikado.blast.xml
As a final step, we will pick best transcripts for each locus and annotate them as gene using Mikado pick.
This will generate:
Merge gene predictions by MAKER with gene predictions INferred Directly). Here, maker-final.gff3
generated by MAKER with direct evidence models mikado.loci.gff3
, EVM can be used (runEVM.sh
For weights:
Run EVM:
runEVM.sh maker-final.gff3 mikado.loci.gff3 weights.txt
mv EVM.all.gff3 MIND-final.gff3
Merge gene predictions of BRAKER with gene predictions INferred Directly.
To merge braker-final.gff3
generated by BRAKER with direct evidence models mikado.loci.gff3
, EVM can be used:
For weights:
Run EVM:
runEVM.sh braker-final.gff3 mikado.loci.gff3 weights.txt
mv EVM.all.gff3 BIND-final.gff3