This code is a clone of and it has been modified.
The following is expected to work on any lxplus node.
git init
git clone
cd TBtiming15
A shared library (executable) will be produced under FastTimeTestBeamAnalysis/lib (FastTimeTestBeamAnalysis/bin) containing the relevant functions for the reconstruction (based on H4DQM utils). Before running the executable one must updated the environment variables with
source test/setup.(c)sh
To reconstruct events in a file run
./bin/RunH4treeReco input [output=H4treeRecoOutput.root]
where input is a csv list of input files and output is the name of the output file name. A wrapper is provided to submit jobs to the batch
python scripts/ -i /store/group/dpg_ecal/alca_ecalcalib/TimingTB_H2_Jul2015/raw/DataTree/3314/ -q 8nh
submits the processing of all root files in the input directory to a lxbatch queue. The output directory can be specified with -o. The cfg to be used for reco can be specified with -c.
submits blindly the RECO production. Edit for specific options in the reconstruction.