Pedantic is able to create IAM roles (and their policies), security groups, load balancers, S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables in AWS. It regularly compares a configuration file with the current state of an AWS account and makes the changes required to ensure the state matches whatever configuration is present.
You can see @neilprosser talking about the application in this talk at Clojure eXchange 2014.
All the configuration is stored in Github repositories in under a chosen organisation. Each application has a repository which contains a file called {application}.clj
which contains configuration to be applied to all accounts.
Pedantic can also use Campfire to communicate configuration changes.
lein run
lein uberjar
java -jar target/pedantic.jar
There are a number of properties which are present in the project.clj
. With the lein run
option you can just amend the properties and they'll be made available to the application via lein-environ. If using the uberjar
option, you'll want to export
them first:
export GITHUB_BASE_URL=http://github
# The above property will be recognised by environ as :github-base-url
java -jar pedantic.jar
Once the application is up and running a list of resources which are available can be found at http://{host}:{port}/resources
Pedantic configuration files are written in Clojure, the only requirement is to return a Clojure map. The configuration uses same naming as in Amazon's APIs, so you can refer to the AWS documentation for help.
Copyright © 2014 MixRadio
mr-pedantic is released under the 3-clause license ("New BSD License" or "Modified BSD License")