Generates web-fonts based on individual vector files
- npm install
- ./webfont-generator
- (example: ./webfont-generator ./example-font .)
- Takes a config file (config.json - residing in input dir)
Config dir must contain at minimum the following properties:
{ "id": "", "familyname": "", "copyright": "", "charmap": [ { "unicode": "<unicode for characters, e.g. a, - or >", "file": "" } ] }
Optional: SVG parameters 'horizAdvX', 'unitsPerEm', 'ascent', 'descent' - though sensible defaults provided
- Creates an SVG font containing above SVG vector files
Goes through various SVG optimization steps, like normalizing all SVG files to the same boundaries
Further optimization steps provided by SVGO, see for more detail
Creates a TTF font based on SVG font
Creates a WOFF font based on TTF font
Currently does not generate a CSS file, so use content: '' in your CSS