SnpEff is more tiny than VEP, and more HGVS than ANNOVAR
e.g, java -jar snpEff.jar hg19 yourSampleName.normalize.vcf -hgvs1LetterAa -canon > yourSampleName.snpeff.vcf
- samtools 1.9 and bcftools 1.6
- SnpEff 4.3t
- R 3.6.3
in shell
perl yourSampleName.snpeff.vcf 100 0.05
100 for minimum depth 0.05 for minimum allele frequency
warn: you may need edit code once if vcf created by other variant callers. please issue me -
in shell
cat *maf | awk '!/Hugo_Symbol/ || NR==1' > all.maf
concatenate all of yourSampleName.maf, but not necessary -
in R
syn <- c("synonymous_variant","start_retained","stop_retained_variant")
df <- data.table::fread("all.maf")
vc <- names(table(df$Variant_Classification))
nonSyn <- setdiff(vc,syn)
colors <- rainbow(length(nonSyn))
names(colors) <- nonSyn
maf <- read.maf("all.maf", vc_nonSyn = nonSyn)
plotmafSummary(maf, rmOutlier = TRUE, addStat = 'median', dashboard = TRUE, titvRaw = FALSE, color = colors)