Versatile PWM generator with Raspi Pico
While developing switching power supplies I need a PWM generator. I had once built one using a Mega8. Just as I put it on my lab table, I had the thought that it would be much better to use a Pico and program it with Micropython. A short test showed that I was right: the Pico has the advantage that the frequency can be continuously adjusted up to frequencies in the MHz range.
All of these use the pwmc lib
- test pwmc library
- set pwm value with potentiometer
- set pwm value with potentiometer and show the result 0% ... 100% on LCD
- set PWM and frequency with pots
The program works (nearly) fine, but there is a lot of jitter in the signal, and the frequency is not stable, due to the inaccuracy of the ADC.
- resolves this problem by switching frequency setting on and off. After frequency is set, the generator holds the last frequency.