gpgkeymon - a shell script to keep tabs on a set of gpg keys.
version 5.0.0
The primary purpose of this program is to monitor a set of keys and report on their expiration status.
A typical report looks like:
Jean Paul Galea <>
expires on 2017-01-24
Revoked: none
Never expire: none
Have expired: none
Expire in 90 days: none
In batch mode you could also use the output as a source for other scripts (e.g. to email the key holder directly).
2017-01-24:0:B6042E2BD1FDBC2BCA8588B2FF8D3B45B7B875A9:Jean Paul
As root, install the script, create a custom user and switch to the new user.
# wget -O/usr/local/bin/gpgkeymon -- \
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gpgkeymon
# adduser --system --home /home/gpgkeymon --shell /bin/sh \
--disabled-login --group --gecos '' "gpgkeymon"
# su - gpgkeymon
gpgkeymon generates a report based on the keyring at ~/.gnupg or $GNUPGHOME if set.
As the new user, you can import keys from a keyserver:
$ gpg --keyserver --recv B6042E2BD1FDBC2BCA8588B2FF8D3B45B7B875A9
Or import from file:
$ gpg --import pubkey.gpg
Generate the default report.
$ gpgkeymon
Warn one month before the keys expire (rather than the default 3 months).
$ gpgkeymon -w 30
Only interested in keys without any expiry date (top 100).
$ gpgkeymon -a 0 --never-expire 100
Only revoked and expired keys (top 100).
$ gpgkeymon -a 0 --revoked 100 --expired 100
Same but scriptable.
$ gpgkeymon -a 0 --revoked 100 --expired 100 -b
Show me everything except keys which are in good state.
$ gpgkeymon --valid 0
Don't hide any section but limit each one to top 100 keys.
$ gpgkeymon -a 100
Use a different gpg binary.
$ gpgkeymon --gpg /mnt/usr/bin/gpg2
Use a different keyring.
$ GNUPGHOME=/path/to/keyring gpgkeymon
To email a weekly report (assuming a working mail setup), create a file at /etc/cron.d/gpgkeymon
with the following:
0 6 * * 1 gpgkeymon /usr/local/bin/gpgkeymon | /usr/bin/mailx -s "gpgkeymon weekly report"