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Useful Pl/PgSQL Functions


This repo has some useful Pl/PgSQL functions derived from those I wrote for my earlier projects. Will try to add more functions in the coming days.

Function descriptions

1. PostGIS function to get a GeoJSON of polygon geometries matching the given list of integers in its "code" attribute.

This function selects the polygons having the "code" attribute matching the given list of codes (as a string of comma-separated integers) and returns them as a single GeoJSON record. The GeoJSON contains the polygons geometry (coordinates) and only its "code" attribute as its property.

  • Parameters: codeList a string containing the comma-separated list of integers which are the "code" attributes of the polygon geometries.
  • Returns: A single record containing the GeoJSON of polygons matching the given list of codes.
  • Dependencies: PostGIS extension
  • Filename: get_geojson_of_polygons_matching_attribute.sql

2. Function to convert Hstore to XML

hstore_as_xmlagg(kvHstore hstore) This function takes a hstore and returns a single record containing an XML populated with data from the hstore.

  • Parameter: kvHstore is an hstore
  • Return: kvhstore converted to xml
  • Dependency: requires hstore extension
  • Filename: hstore_as_xmlagg.sql

3. Function to convert a Postgres array to XML

array_as_xmlagg(attributeArray text[]) This function takes an array and returns a single record containing an XML populated with data from the array.

  • Parameter: attributeArray is an array of texts
  • Return: the array converted to xml
  • Dependency: requires hstore extension
  • Filename: array_as_xmlagg.sql


A collection of useful Pl/PgSQL functions.







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